РефератыОстальные рефератыМеМетодические указания и контрольные задания для студентов 1-2 курсов

Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов 1-2 курсов






делового иностранного языка


Методические указания и контрольные задания

для студентов

заочной формы

Социальная работа



УДК 811. 111 (076.5)

ББК 81. 2Англ. я 73


Составитель –

Анна Вадимовна Логинова, преподаватель кафедры делового иностранного языка Мурманского государственного технического университета

Методические указания рассмотрены и одобрены кафедрой 21 ноября 2008 г., протокол № 4

Рецензент –

Т. П. Волкова, канд. филос. наук, доцент, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков Мурманского государственного технического университета

Редактор Г. В. Зобнина


Мурманский государственный технический университет, 200



ВВЕДЕНИЕ................................................................................................. 4


ПРИМЕРНЫЙ ТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЙ ПЛАН................................................ 7

СПИСОК РЕКОМЕНДУЕМОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ....................................... 9


Упражнения для самопроверки по изученному лексико-грамматическому материалу................................................................................................ 13

КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА № 1............................................................... 46

КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА № 2............................................................... 65

КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА № 3............................................................... 81

Вопросы к зачету...................................................................................... 91

Вопросы к экзамену.................................................................................. 92

Список использованной литературы........................................................ 92


Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов факультета заочного социально-экономического образования специальности 040101.65 "Социальная работа". Они содержат общие организационно-методические указания, примерный тематический план, методические указания к изучению тем дисциплины, варианты контрольных работ, вопросы к зачёту и экзамену.

Задача разработанных методических указаний заключается в формировании у обучающихся умения применять знание иностранного языка в профессиональной деятельности, а также анализировать и обобщать полученную информацию.

Структура настоящих методических указаний позволяет использовать их как на учебных занятиях под руководством преподавателя, так и при самостоятельной работе студентов.


1. Соответствие ГОС ВПО направления подготовки дипломированного специалиста

Настоящие методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов заочной формы, обучающихся на 1–2 курсе факультета заочного социально-экономического образования, составлены в соответствии с рабочей программой по дисциплине "Иностранный язык" для данной специальности, разработанной на основании Государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования и Государственных требований к минимуму содержания и уровню подготовки выпускника по специальности 040101.65 "Социальная работа".

Методические указания предназначены для организации и контроля самостоятельной работы студентов.

Сущность дисциплины и цель ее изучения

Изучение дисциплины направлено на подготовку специалистов на факультете заочного социально-экономического образования, достижение ими практического владения языком. Под практическим владением понимается использование английского языка выпускниками вуза в их практической деятельности (чтение и перевод текстов на английском языке, осуществление деловой переписки и контактов с иностранными центрами социальной защиты, соз­дание совместных предприятий, работа в иностранном социальном центре по найму, в рамках проектов, направленных на обмен опытом и т. д.).

Целью изучения дисциплины
является самостоятельное приобретение знаний, закрепление и систематизация умений и навыков, полученных на практических занятиях английского языка.

Задачи самостоятельной работы:

– Развитие и совершенствование репродуктивных умений и навыков монологической и диалогической речи.

– Повторение и закрепление грамматического материала, изученного на практических занятиях в соответствии с рабочей программой дисциплины.

– Расширение лексического запаса как активного, так и пассивного.

– Закрепление и дальнейшее развитие навыков и умений всех видов чтения и перевода литературы на иностранном языке.

Основные виды (направления) самостоятельной работы студентов:

– выполнение устных домашних заданий по изученным лексическим темам (подготовка к монологическим высказываниям, составление диалогов по заданным темам и др.);

– выполнение письменных домашних упражнений на закрепление и активизацию пройденного грамматического материала;

– индивидуальное чтение художественной и специальной литературы.

самостоятельной работы студентов осуществляется в рамках практических занятий. Формы контроля зависят от вида самостоятельной работы и могут включать в себя фронтальный, индивидуальный и групповой опрос студентов, тестирование, проверку контрольных заданий, рабочих тетрадей, словарей и т. д. Студент, успешно прошедший курс, допускается к сдаче зачетов и экзаменов.

3. Значение дисциплины в подготовке специалиста

В результате изучения дисциплины студент должен

– получить знания, необходимые для практической работы в сфере деловой (профессиональной) и бытовой коммуникации;

– владеть лексическим минимумом в объеме 4000 учебных лексических единиц общего и терминологического характера;

– сообщать информацию в виде монологического высказывания общего бытового или профессионального характера в объеме не менее 15–20 фраз, а также передавать своими словами содержание прочитанного или прослушанного текста; уметь участвовать в диалоге, владея фразами речевого этикета;

– читать и переводить художественную литературу и литературу по специальности с полным охватом содержания со словарем и с целью извлечения информации, скорость чтения – 400–500 печатных знаков;

– понимать на слух диалогическую и монологическую иноязычную речь в сфере бытовой и профессиональной коммуникации в предъявлении преподавателя и в звукозаписи. Длительность звучания текстов – до 3 минут;

– ознакомиться с такими видами речевых произведений, как аннотация, реферат, тезисы, сообщения, частное письмо, деловое письмо, биография;

– вести деловую переписку в пределах пройденных тем;

– знать основные особенности обиходно-литературного, официально-делового, научного стиля, стиля художественной литературы.

Во время изучения курса для студентов полной формы обучения предусмотрены следующие формы контроля: зачет (II семестр), зачет (III семестр), экзамен (IV семестр). Для студентов заочно-ускоренной формы обучения: зачет (II семестр), экзамен (III семестр).


Наименование и содержание тем

Количество часов, выделяемых на виды учебной подготовки

Заочная форма обучения

Заочно-ускоренная форма обучения



Сам. работа



Сам. раб.

Специфика артикуляции звуков, интонации, акцентуации и ритма нейтральной речи в английском языке; основные особенности полного стиля произношения, характерные для сферы профессиональной коммуникации, чтение транскрипции.

Говорение: Монологическое высказывание по теме: Я и моя семья.





Грамматический материал: Понятие об основных способах словообразования. Глаголы – to
, to
, артикль, личные и притяжательные местоимения.





Аудирование: Понимание диалогической и монологической речи в сфере бытовой и профессиональной коммуникации.

Говорение: Монологическое высказывание по теме: Мой рабочий день.





Грамматический материал: Оборот There
. Предлоги места и времени. Неопределённые местоимения some
, any
, much
, many
, (
, (
. Грамматические навыки, обеспечивающие коммуникацию общего характера без искажения смысла при письменном и устном общении.





Понятие дифференциации лексики по сферам применения (бытовая, общенаучная, терминологическая и т. д.).

Говорение: Монологическое высказывание по теме: Мой выходной.





Грамматический материал: Множественное число имен существительных. Времена группы Simple
, Continuous





Говорение: Диалогическая и монологическая речь с использованием наиболее употребительных и относительно простых лексико-грамматических средств в основных коммуникативных ситуациях неофициального общения. Тема: Мои увлечения.





Грамматический материал: Времена группы Perfect





Говорение: Основы публичной речи (устное сообщение, доклад). Тема: Моя квартира.





Грамматический материал: Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.





Понятие о свободных и устойчивых словосочетаниях, фразеологических единицах. Тема: Путешествия.





Грамматический материал: Страдательный залог времен группы Simple





Письмо: Виды речевых произведений: частное письмо, деловое письмо, резюме. Тема: Устройство на работу.





Грамматический материал: Времена действительного залога.





Понятие об обиходно-литературном, официально-деловом, научном стилях, стиле художественной литературы. Основные особенности научного стиля. Тема: Работа, трудовые обязанности.





Грамматический материал: Страдательный залог.





Письмо: Виды речевых произведений: аннотация, реферат, тезисы, сообщения. Тема: Социальная работа.





Грамматический материал: Прямая и косвенная речь.





Чтение: Работа с несложными прагматическими текстами и текстами по широкому и узкому профилю специальности. Тема: Граждане с ограниченными возможностями здоровья.




Грамматический материал: Основные грамматические явления, характерные для профессиональной речи. Согласование времен.





Чтение: Работа с несложными прагматическими текстами и текстами по широкому и узкому профилю специальности. Тема: Предоставление жилья нуждающимся.





Грамматический материал: Инфинитив и его формы.





Тема: Проблемы современной семьи.




Грамматический материал: Причастие. Основные грамматические явления, характерные для профессиональной речи.




Тема: Обязанности и специфика трудовой деятельности социальных работников.




Грамматический материал: Герундий и его формы.











1. Prodromou, L. Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate / L. Prodromou. – Harlow : Longman, 2004. – 320 p.

2. Evans, V. Upstream. Intermediate. Student's Book / V. Evans, J. Dooley. – Newbury : Express Publishing, 2003. – 222 p.

3. Evans, V. Upstream. Intermediate. Work Book / V. Evans, J. Dooley. – Newbury : Express Publishing, 2003. – 97 p.

4. Evans, V. Upstream. Upper-Intermediate. Student's Book / V. Evans, B. Obee. – Newbury : Express Publishing, 2003. – 176 p.

5. Evans, V. Upstream. Upper-Intermediate. Work Book / V. Evans, B. Obee. – Newbury : Express Publishing, 2003. – 98 p.

6. Cunningham, S. New Cutting Edge. Pre-Intermediate. Work Book / S. Cunningham, P. Moor. – Harlow : Longman, 2005. – 97 p.

7. Cunningham, S. New Cutting Edge. Pre-Intermediate. Student's Book / S. Cunningham, P. Moor. – Harlow : Longman, 2005. – 176 p.

8. Cunningham, S. New Cutting Edge. Intermediate. Work Book / S. Cunningham, P. Moor. – Harlow : Longman, 2005. – 98 p.

9. Cunningham, S. New Cutting Edge. Intermediate. Student's Book / S. Cunningham, P. Moor. – Harlow : Longman, 2005. – 176 p.

10. Murphy, L. English grammar in use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students / L. Murphy. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. – 300 p.

11. Бугрова, Л. В. Social Matters: учеб. пособие / Л. В. Бугрова, Я. А. Глухих. – Мурманск : Изд-во МГТУ, 2005. – 48 с.

12. Короткова, Л. Г. The Goal of Social Service: методические указания / Л. Г. Короткова. – Мурманск : Изд-во МГТУ, 2003. – 20 с.

13. Parrott, L. Social Work and Social Care / L. Parrot. – The Gildredge Press Ltd, 1999. – 256 p.

14. Cotton, D. Market Leader. Intermediate / D. Cotton. – Harlow : Longman, 2004. – 176 p.


15. Soars, L. Headway. Elementary / L. Soars, J. Soars. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997. – 128 p.

16. Soars, L. New Headway. Pre-Intermediate / L. Soars, J. Soars. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997. – 129 p.

17. Soars, L. New Headway. Intermediate / L. Soars, J. Soars. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997. – 128 p.

18. Swan, M. How English Works / M. Swan, K. Walter. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997. – 189 p.

19. Haines, S. New First Certificate Masterclass / S. Haines, B. Stewart. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000. – 224 p.

20. Hashemi, L. English Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises for Intermediate Students / L. Hashemi, R. Murphy. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995. – 126 p.

21. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises for Intermediate Students / R. Murphy, L. Hashemi. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. – 89 p.

22. Березина, О. А. English for University Students: сборник упражнений по грамматике / О. А. Березина, Е. М. Шпилюк. – СПб. : Союз, 2001. – 49 c.

23. Кабакчи, В. В. Практика англоязычной межкультурной коммуникации / В. В. Кабакчи. – СПб. : Союз, 2001. – 478 c.

24. Дроздова, Т. Ю. Everyday English / Т. Ю. Дроздова. – СПб. : Химера, 2002. – 646 c.


1. Лексический материал.
Самостоятельная работа по освоению изучаемого лексического материала заключается в подготовке к практическим занятиям по английскому языку, повторении и запоминании новых лексических единиц и составлению монологических или диалогических высказываний по изученным темам.

2. Грамматический материал.
Самостоятельная работа по освоению грамматического материала включает в себя повторение грамматических правил, изученных на практических занятиях, выполнение устных и письменных грамматических упражнений с целью закрепления пройденного материала, а также подготовку к контрольным работам.

Работа с лексическим материалом осуществляется
в рамках изучения следующих тем:

1. Моя семья
(рассказ о себе, о членах своей семьи, их возрасте и роде занятий, отношениях и проблемах).

Подготовиться к монологическому высказыванию по теме.

2. Мой рабочий день
(рассказ о своих трудовых буднях, ежедневных занятиях, привычках, обязанностях на работе/учёбе и дома).

Подготовиться к монологическому высказыванию по теме.

3. Мой свободный день
(рассказ о том, как вы проводите свое свободное время).

Подготовиться к монологическому высказыванию по теме.

4. Мои увлечения
(рассказ о своих увлечениях и способах проведения досуга в целом).

Подготовиться к монологическому и диалогическому высказываниям по теме.

5. Моя
(рассказ об устройстве своей квартиры или дома, описание мебели и бытовых приборов).

Подготовиться к монологическому высказыванию по теме.

6. Путешествия
(виды транспортных средств, их плюсы и минусы, ваши личные предпочтения, ваше наиболее запомнившееся путешествие).

Повторить изученные фразы и выражения. Подготовиться к диалогическому и монологическому высказываниям по теме.

7. Устройство на работу
(изучение и применение базовой лексики, необходимой для написания резюме и прохождения собеседования при приёме на работу).

Подготовиться к диалогическим высказываниям по теме и написанию резюме.

8. Работа, трудовые обязанности
(общая классификация профессий, рассказ о своих трудовых обязанностях, деятельности своей организации, специфике её работы, а также о желаемом месте работы).

Повторить изученные фразы и выражения. Подготовиться к диалогическому и монологическому высказываниям по теме.

9. Социальная работа
(рассказ о социальной работе как сфере профессиональной деятельности, её специфике, целях и задачах).

Подготовиться к монологическому высказыванию по теме. Дать подробную характеристику социальной работы как сферы профессиональной деятельности.

10. Больные, раненые и люди с ограниченными возможностями
(рассказ о данных категориях граждан с обоснованием необходимости предоставления им социальной защиты, о роли социальных работников в оказании помощи людям с ограниченными возможностями здоровья).

Подготовиться к монологическому высказыванию по теме.

11. Предоставление жилья нуждающимся
(рассказ об учреждениях и организациях, обеспечивающих социально незащищённых граждан постоянным или временным жильём).

Подготовиться к монологическому высказыванию по теме.

12. Проблемы современной семьи
(рассказ о специфике проблем современной семьи, их причинах, последствиях конфликтов между родственниками, проблеме отцов и детей).

Подготовиться к монологическому высказыванию по теме. Дать классификацию проблем современной семьи, описать их причины и последствия.

13. Обязанности и специфика трудовой деятельности социальных работников
(рассказ о профессиональной деятельности социальных работников).

Подготовиться к монологическому высказыванию по данной теме, раскрыть специфику профессиональной деятельности социальных работников и их функциональные обязанности.

Программный грамматический материал

Глаголы to
, to
, артикли, множественное число существительных, предлоги времени и места, местоимения и их виды, степени сравнения прилагательных, предлоги, времена английского глагола (действительный и страдательный залог), модальные глаголы, прямая и косвенная речь, согласование времен, инфинитив, герундий, причастия и их формы.

выполнение грамматических устных и письменных упражнений. Подготовка к контрольным работам.

№ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.

Упражнения для самопроверки
по изученному лексико-грамматическому материалу
Тема 1. I and My Family (Я и моя семья)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий рассказать о своей семье, своих родственниках, чем они занимаются, где живут, где работают, какие отношения между ними установились;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 19, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. How old are you?

2. Are you married?

3. Have you a family of your own?

4. What are your parents?

5. What are you?

6. Are you the only child in your family?

7. What are your sisters (brothers)?

8. How old are your sisters (brothers)?

9. Do you live together?

10. Where do you live?

11. Have you got any other close relatives?

12. How often do you see them?

13. Do you have children?

14. How old are they?

15. What do they do?

16. What do you usually do in the evenings?

17. Is your family a happy one?

18. Have you got any problems concerning family relations?

2. Make sentences using the words in bald.

1. How old
are you?

2. I am 17 years old

3. I haven't got a family of my own

4. My family consists of
four persons.

5. My father works as
an engineer.

3. Match the words and word combinations in English to their Russian equivalents.

1. to make a date

a. влюбиться в кого-л.

2. to court smb

b. ухаживать за кем-л.

3. to fall in love with smb

c. супруг

4. to be in love with smb

d. серебряная (золотая) свадьба

5. to propose to smb

e. медовый месяц

6. to be engaged to smb

f. назначить свидание

7. to marry smb

g. брак по любви

8. marriage for convenience

h. развестись с кем-л.

9. to marry for love

i. быть женатым/замужем

10. a love match

j. молодожёны

11. to get married

k. пожениться

12. to be married (to smb)

l. носить обручальное кольцо

13. a marriage

m. сделать предложение

14. a civil marriage

n. быть помовленным с кем-л.

15. a wedding

o. брак по расчёту

16. to wear a wedding ring

p. свадьба, бракосочетание

17. newly-weds = just married

q. брак, замужество

18. honey-moon

r. жениться по любви

19. spouse

s. бывшая жена (муж)

20. to divorce from smb

t. гражданский брак

21. an ex-wife (husband)

u. жениться на ком-л.

22. a silver (golden) wedding

v. быть влюблённым в кого-л.

4. Match figures and letters to find pairs of sentences meaning the same.

1. She is an elderly person.

A. I'm 20. She is 15.

2. She is well over fifty.

B. She is 14.

3. She is an adult.

C. She is 35.

4. She is a middle-aged person.

D. I'm 40. She is 45.

5. She is my elder sister.

E. She is 87.

6. She is in her late thirties.

F. She is 55.

7. She is a pensioner.

G. She is over 18 or 21.

8. She is in her early forties.

H. I'm 10. She is 17.

9. She is five years senior to me.

I. She is 39.

10. She is two years younger than me.

J. I'm 20. She is 18.

11. She is in her mid teens.

K. She is 58.

12. She is two years older than me.

L. She is 12.

13. She is five years junior to me.

M. She is 42.

14. She is a teenager.

N. I'm 30. She is 32.

15. She is seven years my senior.

O. I'm 10. She is 22.

5. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Он развёлся со своей женой 5 лет назад.

2. Все супруги обычно носят обручальные кольца.

3. Он влюбился.

4. Молодожёны провели медовый месяц на юге.

5. Она замужем за моим племянником.

6. Мне не нравятся люди, которые женятся по расчёту.

7. Моя старшая сестра на 9 лет старше меня.

8. Её муж младше её на 15 лет.

9. Моему троюродному брату далеко за 50.

10. Они влюблены друг в друга.

11. Его бывшей жене 30 с небольшим.

6. Define in English:

a nuclear family, family violence, a single parent, misunderstanding, an extended family, a generation gap, drug abuse, an ex-husband, an illegitimate child.

7. Translate into English.

1. В Британии один из трех браков заканчивается разводом.

2. В Великобритании родители-одиночки защищены законом.

3. Эта семья получает материальную помощь из-за низкого дохода.

4. Родители Дэвида развелись, когда ему было шесть.

5. Cемьи, состоящие только из детей и их родителей, приходят на смену большим семьям.

6. К несчастью, мой отец – строгий сторонник дисциплины, и все члены нашей семьи вынуждены исполнять его приказания.

7. Насилие в семье, алкоголизм, наркотическая зависимость, низкий уровень жизни, отсутствие взаимопонимания, недостаточная забота о близких могут привести к необратимым последствиям.

8. Name modern family challenges you know.
9. Speak about the relationships in your family.
Тема 2. Daily Routines (Мой рабочий день)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий рассказать о распорядке своего рабочего дня, о том, как он добирается на работу, когда начинается и когда заканчивается его рабочий день, есть ли перерыв на обед, как он добирается с работы домой, чем занимается после работы;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. When does your working day start?

2. What do you do when you get up?

3. Do you do your morning exercises every day?

4. Who makes breakfast for you?

5. Do you work? Where do you work?

6. How long does it take you to get to work?

7. When do your working hours begin?

8. What is your company/organisation specialised in?

9. Where is your office situated?

10. Do you have a fixed lunch break?

11. Are you often very busy at work?

12. What are your duties at work?

13. What do you do after work?

2. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

1. … work I go … home … foot, but sometimes I go … bus or trolleybus. I live not very … my office. My working day starts … 9.00.

2. I don't work … Saturday and … Sunday.

3. … a weekday I get … … 7 o'clock.

4. I like to listen … the radio while I have my breakfast. Usually I have a cup … tea and some sandwiches … breakfast.

4. We produce a wide range … engines … automobile industry.

5. We do business … many companies.

6. Many companies are interested … buying our engines.

3. Make up sentences using the words:

my alarm goes off, get up, to be the same, to differ from, to be similar to, working day begins, to make breakfast, work begins, my office is situated, we produce, I have dinner at, it takes me … to …, at work, after work, to be tired of, to look forward to, to relax watching TV.

4. Translate into English.

1. Мой рабочий день начинается в 9 часов.

2. Он встает в 7, уходит из дома в 8.

3. Чтобы не опоздать на работу, мы вышли из дома на 15 минут раньше.

4. Вчера мой брат был болен и не пошел на работу.

5. Кроме работы в учреждении ей приходится делать всю работу по дому.

6. Тебе понадобится полчаса, чтобы добраться домой на автобусе. Это долго. Бери такси.

7. Отец обычно обедает в столовой, дети – дома.

5. Describe your typical working day.
Тема 3. My Day off (Мой свободный день)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий рассказать о том, как он проводит свои выходные дни, как и где планирует провести свой отпуск, чем увлекается и интересуется, что делает по вечерам, часто ли ходит в театр, кино и т. п.;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 19, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. Which day of the week do you like most of all and why?

2. When do you get up on Sundays?

3. What do you do in the morning?

4. How do you usually spend your days off?

5. Do you often go to see your friends?

6. Do you do any sports?

7. Who do you usually spend your leisure time with?

8. Do you sometimes go to the theatre (cinema) on Sundays?

9. Do you like music?

10. What is your hobby?

11. How are you going to spend your next weekend?

2. Translate into Russian.

I spend my spare time in different ways but I would rather be a doer than a watcher, so to say. When I'm out of work or studying I enjoy meeting my friends, going to different places of entertainment – cinemas, theatres, clubs, cafes, bars, a swimming pool or a skating rink. Last year I took up snowboarding and now I'm looking forward to snowy winter to practice it more and more and to do my best in it. By the way, I've bought very nice gear and I'm willing to try it as soon as possible.

Also, I like spending time with my family. On Sunday evenings we usually get together, have supper, discuss our week days passing so quickly, watch TV, speak about our plans for the following week or receive guests.

I do enjoy my leisure time and I'm always looking forward to my time off after hard and tiring week days.

3. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

1. There are different leisure time activities: playing … musical instruments, going … shopping, going … a walk, … the night club, … the theatre or … the cinema, etc.

2. I'm going … a holiday … Sochi. I leave ... Murmansk early … the morning. My plane takes … ... 7 a.m.

3. … weekends we usually go … the country. We swim … the river, walk … the forest, play … volley-ball and … other games.

4. … last year Kate went … Moscow. She liked the capital … Russia very much.

5. … the evenings she went … the theatres and cinemas … Moscow. When she came … home she told us many interesting things … that city.

4. Make up sentences using word and word combinations:

day off, time off, leisure time activities, to get up late, to go to see friends, to have a rest, to do nothing, to do sports, to go to the theatre (cinema), to serf the net, to play computer games, to go out, to eat out, to receive guests, my hobby.

5. Speak about your typical day off.
Тема 4. My Hobbies (Мои увлечения)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий рассказать о своих увлечениях, о том, какие бывают хобби, как увлечение влияет на внутренний мир человека, на его кругозор;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 19, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. What is a hobby?

2. What do you usually do in your free time?

3. What leisure time activities are popular nowadays?

4. Do you think a hobby makes people's life more interesting?

5. What's good about having a hobby?

2. Complete each sentence in a logical way.

1. If you take up swimming you will need such gear as…

2. I learned to ride a horse without using…

3. Emma hit the golf-ball with a…

4. We play badminton with a racquet and a…

5. Diana's bike crashed into a tree because…

6. A mountain-climber's life may depend on their…

7. To practice figure skating a person should be…

8. Rugby players wear…

9. I want to knit a scarf but I haven't got…

10. Skiing can be dangerous if you don't wear…

11. Terry went fishing with the new … his parents gave him.

12. People can collect different things:…

13. Creative people may have such hobbies as…

14. If you have a hobby you…

3. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1. Mary stopped swimming and just … on the surface.

a) sank; b) floated; c) dived; d) poured.

2. Jack turned the last corner and … the finishing line.

a) approached; b) arrived; c) waited; d) head.

3. David was trying to … another cyclist when he crashed.

a) overpass; b) overcome; c) overtake; d) overcharge.

4. You have to … the person with the ball until you catch them.

a) chase; b) rush; c) jump; d) drop.

5. The fans climbed over the fence to … paying.

a) avoid; b) prevent; c) abandon; d) refuse.

6. I fell over while skiing and my sister had to … a doctor.

a) bring; b) take; c) fetch; d) carry.

7. It's very easy to … over when the snow is hard.

a) slide; b) skid; c) skate; d) slip.

8. Don't … the road until all the runners have gone by.

a) pass; b) cross; c) across; d) pass by.

9. The swimmers … forward as they waited to begin the race.

a) fell; b) crawled; c) rolled; d) leaned.

10. When I was hiking in the mountains I … on a snake.

a) tripped; b) stepped; c) surprised; d) carried.

4. Choose the most suitable word underlined in each sentence.

1. Sue came first in the 5000 metre competition/game/race

2. Jack and Eddie arranged to meet outside the football ground/field/pitch

3. Brenda goes jogging every morning to keep exercised/fit/trained

4. Our team beat/defeated/won
the match by two goals to nil.

5. The local stadium isn't large enough for so many audience/viewers/

6. I'm afraid I don't find basketball very interested/interesting

7. Collecting matchbox labels is Rebecca's favourite leisure/occupation

8. Norman won first medal/prize/reward
in the cookery competition.

9. The final result was a/an draw/equal/score

5. Tell about your hobby. What role does it play in your life?
Тема 5. My flat / house (Моя квартира / дом)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий описать свою квартиру (дом), рассказать о её планировке, обстановке, удобствах, бытовых приборах и устройствах, в ней имеющихся;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

15, 17, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. Where do you live?

2. Do you live in a private house or a block of flats?

3. What is there next to your house?

4. How large is your flat?

5. What floor is your flat on?

6. What modern conveniences are there in your flat?

7. How many rooms are there in your flat?

8. How is your flat furnished?

9. Where do you usually have meals, sleep, keep your clothes, and receive guests?

10. Are you satisfied with the place where you live?

2. Make your own sentences using words in bald.

1. I live in a five-storey block of flats
in Pushkin Street.

2. My flat is on the third floor

3. There are all modern conveniences
in my flat.

4. Our living room is nicely furnished

5. There is a TV set, a corner sofa
, a piano and a bookcase in it.

3. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

My sister got a very comfortable flat ... last year. It is ... the third floor ... a new block ... flats. … this week I got a letter ... my sister ... several pictures ... her flat. ... one of the pictures you can see her family sitting ... the table ... the living-room. My sister is sitting ... her husband and two sons. They are watching TV. It is ... the corner ... the room. There is a piano ... the left ... the door and a small table ... a telephone ... it ... the right. My sister is going to speak ... me ... the telephone tonight. You can see a lovely carpet ... the middle ... the room and some pictures ... the wall. My sister's sons learn to play ... the piano. Besides they are fond ... reading books and have plenty ... them ... the bookcase and ... the shelves.

4. Translate into English.

1. Наш дом находится на улице Горького. Мы переехали туда два года тому назад.

2. У него двухкомнатная квартира на втором этаже.

3. На втором этаже все квартиры без бал­конов.

4. Все комнаты: гостиная, спальня и кабинет неболь­шие, но уютные.

5. В гостиной находится сервант, угловой диван, цветной телевизор, два кресла и журнальный столик.

6. На столе стоит ваза с цветами.

7. Наша кухня довольно большая. Там есть плита, холодильник, шкаф для посуды, стол и несколько стульев.

8. В ванной хранятся различные предметы туалета.

9. На стене в коридоре находится вешалка и зеркало.

10. Мы поддерживаем порядок в комнате.

5. Describe your house or flat. What makes it special? What is your favorite room in your flat? Why?
Тема 6. Travelling (Путешествия)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий рассказать о различных видах транспорта, их плюсах и минусах, личных предпочтениях, своём наиболее запомнившемся путешествии, ориентироваться в аэропорту, железнодорожном вокзале, путешествуя за рубежом;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 19, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. Which is the most convenient way of travelling?

2. Which is the quickest way of travelling?

3. What was your longest trip by train / ship / plane?

4. What must you do first before starting a trip?

5. Where do you buy tickets for a train / ship / plane?

6. Do you take much carry-on luggage with you?

7. How much luggage are you allowed on the plane?

8. Where do you take your meals while travelling by train / ship?

9. What kind of trains is more convenient for long distance travelling?

10. Do you prefer a lower or an upper berth on the ship / train? State your reason.

2. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

– Hello, Alec. I remember somebody told me that you had an interesting trip … Siberia.

– I really made a wonderful journey … the very heart … Siberia. We went to Krasnoyarsk … plane and then sailed … the Yenissei … a cargo-ship.

– And where did you go … ashore?

– Oh, … some spot you are not likely to find … any map. Well, when we found ourselves … the bank we immediately went … the place where our expedition was working.

– Did you go … car?

– Oh, no! No car could have driven … those paths. We travelled partly … foot, and … some places went … small rivers and streams … rowing boats. We were … spots where no man's foot had stepped … us.

– How exciting! So you enjoyed … the journey, didn't you?

– Every minute … it, though it was not an easy one.

– Did you return … air?

– No, … train. The fact is, I had hardly enough money … the railway fare, not to say anything … plane.

3. Make up questions.

Ask your friend:
1) if he often travels (makes trips); 2) when he travelled last by train (ship, plane); 3) if he usually books tickets in advance; 4) how much is a ticket to his home town; 5) if he takes much luggage on his trips; 6) if he has ever missed a train (plane, ship); 7) if his friends come to see him off (to the airport, railway station, etc.); 8) if he has ever made a tour of some town (or port) of our country; 9) what foreign countries he would like to visit.

4. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

Modern life is impossible … travelling. I think that travelling … air is the fastest and the most convenient way. Many people prefer it … all other means.

But some people object … air travel. They say that this way ... travelling makes them nervous.

People … some professions, … example journalists or businessmen just can't do without flying … plane.

However, it is possible … cross the country … air … a few hours. Travelling … air, you kill two birds … one stone: you get speed and comfort combined and you save your time.

5. Complete.

1. There is nothing like travel by…

2. It is more convenient to travel by … because…

3. Modern trains have very…

4. On board large ships and small river boats people can visit…

5. Travelling by sea is popular…

6. Round the world cruise is…

7. But there is one thing that can spoil all the pleasure…

8. It is quite true that driving a car has…

9. And the first thing you should do before going on a holiday by car is…

6. Describe the journey you still remember. Speak about advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of transport. Which one do you personally prefer and why?
Тема 7. Applying for a job (Устройство на работу)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий практически применять знания в сфере деловой (профессиональной) коммуникации, ориентироваться в лексико-грамматическом материале, позволяющем составлять резюме, заполнять анкеты и некоторые другие документы на английском языке, необходимые при устройстве на работу;

2. обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

14, 19, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. What things do you take into consideration when choosing an occupation?

2. How did you get your present job?

3. How were you informed about the position you have now?

4. Was the selection process very long?

5. What should you do to qualify for particular job?

6. Whom can you turn to for advice when making a decision?

7. What is the most important part of the decision-making process?

2. You are looking for a job. Analyze your interests and abilities. Answer the following questions:

1. What are your abilities?

2. What special talents do you have?

3. What are your special interests?

4. What are your physical abilities and limitations?

5. What are your attitudes and values?

6. How do you see yourself, or what is your self-concept?

7. What is your previous working experience?

8. What are your educational plans for the future?

9. Are you a team player or a person who prefers to work on his own?

10. Are you willing to accept changes?

11. What is a job of your dream?

3. Fill in the Application Form.

NAME ___________________________________________

ADDRESS __________________ PHONE NO. _________________



EDUCATION _________________________________________

Name of School Year Graduated Course Taken or Degree

___________ ____________ _________________










EXPERIENCE (Give present or last position first)

COMPANY ________ ADDRESS _______________


From ________ To _______


_________________ ____________________





COMPANY ______________ ADDRESS _________________


From _________ To _________


_________________ ____________________


Name __________ Address ___________ Phone No. _________


4. Give the Russian for the underlined words or word combinations.

1. She was on the short list
for the position of director.

2. If a person is looking for a job they will often look in a newspaper and they find something they are interested in, they send a written application and CV
(= curriculum vitae (Br.E) = resume (Am.E)).

3. We will need to have references
from your former employers.

4. With all the perks
, such as free meals and a car, she's really earning over $ 65,000 a year.

5. Every June the electronic manufacturers go headhunting
among the newly graduated engineers.

6. The head
of a large company has many responsibilities.

7. Fred had already been hired
when he went to the job interview
with the human resources director
of your firm.

8. The assistant
of our subsidiary
in Poland has hired
100 new employees

9. I can agree
only to
a competitive salary

10. Staff morale
in this department leaves much to be desired

5. Below you will see some extracts from job advertisements. Match each advertisement with a job title from the list.

· personnel manager · legal assistant · machine operator · forwarding agent · telephone sales executive · accounts clerk · revenue assistant · transport supervisor

1. We want a positive person who is willing to work hard and can use his/her own initiative. You must be lively and have a good sense of humor and a clear speaking voice.

2. The successful candidate will have experience of book-keeping and banking procedures. The position calls for word-processing and secretarial skills plus the ability to work as a part of a team.

3. We have immediate vacancies for those who are willing to work shift system. Good pay and working conditions. Overtime is usually required at weekends.

4. The applicant appointed will principally deal with paper work and will generally assist in the wide ranging work in the legal office.

5. Help! Have you got what it takes to organize our managers – good administration, communication skills are essential. Ability to liaise at all levels.

6. Cargill is a major international company which buys, processes, stores, transports and sells agricultural and other bulk commodities on a worldwide basis. Reporting to the Traffic Manager you will be a member of the team which organizes the transport and distribution of the finished products to our customers.

7. You will be responsible for coordinating drivers and vehicles on established runs and ensuring that the company complies with all statutory requirements. A class 1 license would be an advantage.

8. The duties of the successful candidate will include the cashiers work at any of the various collection offices receiving payments (cash, cheques, etc.) and recording receipts. Applicants should have an aptitude for mathematical work and accuracy is essential.

6. Translate the CV sample into Russian. Use the model to produce curriculum vitae of your own.

Ivan Orlov

Address: Apt 7, 45 Komsomolskaya Street, Murmansk, Russia

Telephone: Home – 479375

Mobile – 8921 123-4567

E-mail: cesar@rambler.ru

DoB: 28/05/85

Nationality: Russian

Education and Qualifications

2003 – date Murmansk State Technical University in Social Work (to be completed 2009).

1990 – 2000 Murmansk School number 5 secondary education Certificate (Distinction)

Work Experience

Jun – Sep 2004 Anapa Summer Camp, Russia I worked as a camp leader with children aged 12–14.

2000 – Sep 2003 McDonalds, Moscow, Russia I was a general worker in the restaurant.

Other Skills

I have a working knowledge of English. I have a driving license and I am computer literate.

Personal Interests

I do yoga in my spare time and have won several competitions.

7. Translate the Letter of Application sample into Russian. Use the model to produce your own one.

Dear Mr. Sokolov

I am writing to apply for the position of Social Worker with your company. I saw your advertisement in the Komsomolskaya Pravda and I would like to be considered for the job.

I believe I am suitable for this post as I already have experience working with young people. I worked at a summer camp in the United States last summer and greatly enjoyed supervising a group of six children. I was responsible for their behaviour and welfare, and my duties also included taking care of basic first aid. I found the job very interesting and rewarding. I feel that my experience would be an asset as a social worker.

In addition, I am hard-working and responsible. I passed my secondary education Certificate with a distinction, and have recently entered Social Work Department in MSTU (Murmansk, Russia), so you can see that I have skills needed for this job. I also have a working knowledge of English and a clean driving license and have always been interested in dealing with people who need support and care.

I would like to work for your organization as it would give me an opportunity to develop my social work skills further, and I am sure that it will be very enjoyable and rewarding to provide social service for those who really need it.

I am enclosing a copy of my CV with this letter. I would be available for an interview here in Murmansk at any time convenient to you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Ivan Orlov

Тема 8. Work and Jobs (Работа, трудовые обязанности)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий практически применять знания в сфере деловой (профессиональной) коммуникации, уметь рассказать о своей работе, её плюсах и минусах, своих обязанностях и о той работе, которую, возможно, хотел бы иметь;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

14, 19, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. What are you?

2. What are you in charge of?

3. What are your responsibilities?

4. Do you have a full-time or a part-time job?

5. What time do you arrive at work?

6. What time do you leave for work?

7. Do you take a lot of time off work?

8. Can you work from home?

9. Are you satisfied with your occupation? Why?

2. Pierre is talking about his work. Correct what he says.

I work for a French supermarket company. I work (1) over
the development of new supermarkets. In fact, I (2) running
the development department and I (3) am manage for
a team looking at the possibilities in different countries. It's very interesting. One of my (4) responsible
is to make sure that new supermarkets open on time. I'm also (5) charged with
financial reporting. I deal (6) since
a lot of different organizations in my work. I'm (7) responsible of
planning projects from start to finish. I work closely (8) near
our foreign partners, and so I travel a lot.

3. Complete the text with prepositions.

Rebecca lives in London and works in a public relations company. She leaves home for work (0)… 7.30 a.m. She drives (1)… work. The traffic is often heavy and she worries about getting (2)… her office late, but she usually arrives (3)… work at around nine. She finishes work quite late, at about eight. "Luckily, I'm never ill", she says. "I could never take the time (4)… work". She loves what she does and is glad to have a job she is good (5)… .

4. Paraphrase the following using the prompts in brackets. The first one is done for you.

1. I work in the afternoons from 2 until 6. (I/job) I have a part-time job.

2. My husband works in an office from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (he/full-time job)

3. Our daughter works in a bank from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. every day. (she/work overtime)

4. I work in a cafe from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. (I/work night shifts)

5. He left the post of the Prime Minister for health reasons. (he/retire/poor health)

6. He has got ill and asked his boss to give him some time to recover. (he/ask/ time off/health reasons)

5. Match words to their definitions.



1. temporary worker

a) have jobs in offices, banks etc rather than jobs working in factories, building things etc.

2. trainee

b) a person who works independently for different companies rather than being employed by one particular company

3. white-collar workers

c) do manual work, rather than working in offices

d) someone who is being trained for a job

4. self-employed person

e) someone who is employed to work for a short period of time, especially in an office

5. blue-collar workers

f) working for oneself and not employed by a company

6. freelance worker

6. Put the words in brackets into the correct grammatical forms.

1. Obviously, my work involves … (travel
) a lot. It can be quite physically … (tire
), but I enjoy … (deal
) with customers, except when they become violent. Luckily this doesn't happen often.

2. I like … (work
) with figures, but my job is much less … (bore
) and routine than people think.

3. Of course, it involves getting up quite early in the morning. But I fancy … (be
) in the open air. And I get a lot of exercise!

4. You've got to think in a very logical way. The work can be mentally … (exhaust
), but it's very satisfying to write a program that works.

5. I love my job. It's very … (stimulate
) and not at all … (repeat
): no two days are the same. It's good to see the children learn and develop.

7. Read the text and decide which word, А, В, С, or D best fits each space.

Stop and consider for a moment how you would feel if you were willing and (1)… to work, and yet day after day you have (2)… through all kinds of weather to get to the local employment office you are told – once again – that there is nothing available for you. Initially, you would probably feel a (3)… sense of disappointment, a slight feeling of being (4)… down. However, as the days pass and you have still not found even the most (5)… of jobs, you would probably become increasingly angry and incensed at the injustice of it all. What kind of a society allows an able-bodied individual to sit around and twiddle his (6)… all day? Obviously, one which cannot understand how important it is for a person to feel useful and productive.



































8. Speak about your present job, its pros and cons. Would you like to have any other occupation? Why?
Тема 9. Social work (Социальная работа)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен:

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий практически применять знания в сфере деловой (профессиональной) коммуникации, уметь рассказать о сущности, целях, задачах социальной работы;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

11, 12, 13.

1. Answer the questions.

1. What is social policy concerned with?

2. How can well-being be achieved?

3. What should be taken into account when allocating social security benefits?

4. What is the aim of social policy?

5. What is social difference?

6. What kind of people refer to so called marginalized groups?

7. Why is the problem of social difference vital today?

8. What is social care?

9. How can it be provided?

2. Match the definitions with the words.



1. something that makes one person different from another person

a) to marginalize

2. the act of finding the position of smth

b) experience

3. the state of knowing or having learnt a lot about life, etc.

c) social difference

4. help that is provided, especially by government or organisations for people with social or financial problems

d) impact

5. to make a group of people unimportant and powerless

e) disability

6. a physical problem that makes someone unable to use a part of their body properly

f) welfare

7. the effect or influence that an event, situation etc. has on someone or smth

g) location

3. Give the Russian for the following:

to achieve goals; care (n)
; social benefits; to take into account; to provide services; disability; to keep the satisfaction of needs at a basic level; to focus on food, shelter and clothing; to change for the better; to allocate; the welfare state; to turn for help; to overcome difficulties; to take care of; low income; to consume; homeless people; to make a living; an approach; to undergo troubles; to be unable to maintain themselves; to act; to incur the extra costs; unemployed; to deal with; violence; to prevent child abuse; a promise; to support; well-being; to meet/satisfy social and psychological needs of claimants; variety; changeable ant contentious; to improve social conditions.

4. Find the equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases:

обещание; благосостояние; принимать во внимание; подход; многообразие; государство всеобщего благосостояния; достигать целей; потреблять; зарабатывать на жизнь; удовлетворять основные потребности; распределять; изменить к лучшему; заботиться о; забота/уход; отвечать социальным и психологическим потребностям нуждающихся; низкий доход; погашать дополнительные расходы; действовать; улучшать социальные условия; иметь дело с; предоставлять услуги; делать акцент на питании, жилье и одежде; социальные льготы; недееспособность; быть не в состоянии обеспечить себя; испытывать трудности; обратиться за помощью; преодолевать трудности; насилие; безработные; бездомные; изменчивы и спорны; предотвратить жестокое обращение с детьми; поддерживать.

5. Identify the meanings of underlined words by their definitions:

1. daycare work
– the care of people who cannot look after themselves during the day;

2. field social work
– scientific or social study done in the field, such as measuring or examining things or asking people questions;

3. residential care
– a system of care for old or ill people who are unable to look after themselves at home, and need nursing or other professional care;

4. welfare
– help provided for people with social problems, money difficulties;

5. domiciliary services/care/visits
– care or services at someone's home;

6. bereaved
(adj) – someone whose close relative has just died;

7. case work
– social work concerned with direct consideration of the problems of a particular person, family;

8. benefit
(n) – money provided by the government to people who are sick or unemployed.

6. Speak about the essence of social work, its goals and objectives.
Тема 10. Sick, injured, disabled (Граждане с ограниченными возможностями здоровья)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий практически применять знания в сфере деловой (профессиональной) коммуникации, уметь рассказывать

· о специфике работы с данными категориями граждан с обоснованием необходимости предоставления им социальной защиты;

· о роли социальных работников в оказании помощи людям с ограниченными возможностями здоровья;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

11, 12, 13.

1. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of help do sick, injured and disabled people need?

2. How can it be provided?

3. What is medical care?

4. What is a service centre?

5. What are the responsibilities of a medical social worker?

2. Read about the types of disability and match the given conditions with examples of disabilities.

"Disability" can be broken down into a number of broad sub-categories, which include the following:

1. physical impairments affecting movement, such as post-polio syndrome, spina bifida and cerebral palsy;

2. sensory impairments, such as visual or hearing impairments;

3. cognitive impairments such as autism or Down syndrome;

4. psychiatric conditions such as depression and schizophrenia:

a) a medical condition usually caused by brain damage before or at birth that causes the loss of control of movement of the limbs;

b) a mental condition in which a person is unable to communicate or form relationships with others;

c) a medical condition in which a person feels very sad and anxious and often has physical symptoms such as being unable to sleep, etc.;

d) a medical condition in which some bones in the spine have not developed normally at birth, often causing paralysis in the legs;

e) an infectious disease that affects the central nervous system and can cause temporary or permanent paralysis;

f) a situation when a person is physically unable to hear anything or unable to hear well;

g) an abnormal condition in which a person is born with a wide, flat face, sloping eyes and a mental ability that is below average.

3. Choose from sentences A–F the one which fits each gap in the text. There is one sentence that does not fit anywhere.

In this model, disability is seen more as a social construction than a medical reality.

Lately, the term disability
has replaced the older designation handicapped.

This position is known as the medical model of disability.

Disability is not seen as something invoking pity or in need of a cure.

Both the medical and social models agree to a point that facilities and opportunities should be made as accessible as possible to individuals who require adaptations.

By making adjustments, employers and service providers are removing the barriers that disable – they are effectively removing the disability.

The Evolution of a Movement

Historically, disabilities have often been cast in a negative light. An individual thus affected was seen as being a "patient" subject either to cure or to ongoing medical care. His condition is seen as disabling; the social reactions to it are justified, and the barriers unavoidable. (1)

Over the past 20 years, a competing view known as the social model of disability has come to the fore. (2) An individual may be impaired by a condition that requires daily living adaptations, but the bulk of his problem – his disability – can be found in the attitudinal and physical barriers erected by society.

The social model of disability recognises that some people have impairments which affect how they function physically or mentally. But those people are disabled by the barriers that exist in a society that does not take account of their needs. These barriers may be in the physical, organisational or personal aspects of society – for instance, stairs without lifts, information not available in large print, or people's negative attitudes. The social model sees disabled people as having similar wants, needs and aspirations to non-disabled people, and seeking equal treatment. (3) Indeed it may be viewed as a positive asset. Equality for disabled people is seen in the same light as equality for other under-represented groups.

In the United Kingdom, the Disability Discrimination Act definition of disability uses the medical model – disabled people are defined as people with certain conditions, or certain limitations on their ability to carry out "normal day-to-day activities". But the requirement on employers and service providers to make "reasonable adjustments" to their policies or practices, or physical aspects of their premises, follows the social model. (4)

(5) Dismantling physical barriers, or setting up adaptations such as wheelchair ramps, is known as "fostering accessibility".

4. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that best fits each place.

Medical Social Work is a sub-discipline of (society
) work. Medical social workers typically work in a hospital, skilled nursing facility or hospice, have a graduate degree in the field (Masters degree in social work), and work with patients and their families in need of (psychology
) help. Medical social workers assess the psychosocial functioning of patients and families and intervene as necessary. Interventions may include (connection
) patients and families to necessary resources and supports in the community; providing psychotherapy, supportive counseling, or grief counseling; or helping a patient to expand and (strength
) their network of social supports. Medical social workers typically work on an interdisciplinary team with professionals of other disciplines (such as medicine, nursing, physical, occupational, speech and recreational therapy, etc.). Besides medical social worker often deals with (high
) complex cases involving patients with multiple psychosocial issues, all of which requiring intervention and leading to delays in discharge. For instance, in a major urban acute care medical centre, it is not uncommon for the (medicine
) social worker to assess patients who are simultaneously homeless, without health insurance coverage, have multiple chronic medical and psychiatric conditions, are unemployed, have just been (release
) from incarceration, and have substance abuse problems, all of which, separately and together, can impede timely discharge.

5. Speak about medical social care provided for people with different kinds of disabilities.
Тема 11. Residential care and nursing homes (Предоставление жилья нуждающимся)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий практически применять знания в сфере деловой (профессиональной) коммуникации, говорить о проблеме обеспечения бездомных постоянным или временным жильём;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

11, 12, 13.

1. Answer the questions.

1. What is residential care?

2. Who are the service centres and nursing homes designed for?

3. What causes homelessness?

4. In your opinion, what is the position of Russia in the world rankings?

5. Is homelessness a common problem in Murmansk?

6. What can be done to solve this problem?

2. Read the text and fill each gap with one word only.
Homeless Shelter

Homeless shelters are places (1) people to stay temporarily when they otherwise would have (2) sleep on the street, similar to emergency shelters. The main difference is that a homeless shelter is usually open to anyone, regardless of why they don't have a more typical residence available; some limit their clientele (3) gender or age. A more minor difference (4) that homeless shelters usually expect people to stay elsewhere during the day, returning only to sleep, or if the shelter also provides meals to eat, while people in emergency shelters are more likely to stay all day, except for work, school, or errands. Some homeless shelters, however, are open 24 hours (5) day.

Homeless shelters are usually operated (6) a non-profit agency, sometimes associated with a church. Many get a least part of their funding (7) local government entities.

Homeless shelters sometimes also provide other services, (8) as a soup kitchen, job seeking, skills training, job training, support groups, and/or chemical abuse treatment. If they don't offer any of these services, they can usually refer (9) clients to agencies that do.

3. Сomment on the following:

1. Employed people never become homeless.

2. Homeless people can easily find a job.

3. Homeless people are likely to be drug-addicts.

4. Homeless people scratch their living from illegal activities.

5. Homeless shelters are places for people to stay temporarily.

4. Complete the following sentences in your own words:

1. People become homeless because of different reasons such as...

2. Homelessness usually entails...

3. The factors which contribute to homelessness are...

4. Homeless people make money by...

5. Urban development and criminalization of homelessness lead to...

6. Homeless shelters provide...

5. Match the words with their definitions.



1. nomad

a) using power without restriction and without considering other people

2. arbitrary

b) to perform music in a public place and ask for money from people passing by

3. round somebody up

c) a place where poor people can go to get free food

d) ask other people for money in the street

4. vicious circle

e) a situation in which one problem causes another problem which then makes the first problem worse

5. panhandle

f) find and capture people

6. busk

g) a member of a tribe that moves with its animals from place to place

7. gentrification

h) a gradual process in which an area in bad condition where poor people live is changed by people with more money coming to live there and improving it

8. food bank

6. As you read this imaginary newspaper report, think how each of these people would react to the story:

• a resident of N-Street;

• a homeless person;

• the initiator of the project.

Murmansk to Open Refuge in N-Street

The city council yesterday announced that it is planning to turn 11, N-Street into a refuge for homeless people. The two-storey terraced house, which was once a dwelling house, had been empty for three years.

A council representative explained that the building needed repairs and complete redecoration before it could take in homeless people. It is expected to open sometime in the new year and will provide temporary accommodation for homeless people.

As soon as the news of the refuge was announced, some of the N-Street residents wrote to the council objecting to the use of the house as a refuge. They said, "We are in favour of providing homeless people with somewhere to live, but N-Street is not suitable. There are elderly people and families with young children living here".

7. Speak about the problem of homelessness and its possible solutions.
Тема 12. Modern Family Challenges (Проблемы современной семьи)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий практически применять знания в сфере деловой (профессиональной) коммуникации, говорить о проблемах современной семьи, их причинах, последствиях и возможных путях решения;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

11, 12, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. What functions do families serve?

2. What is a typical family pattern today?

3. Why is the number of single-parent families increasing?

4. What happens to children whose parents work a lot?

5. What is a generation gap?

6. What causes family violence?

7. What are possible consequences of taking mind-altering substances?

8. What forces youngsters to become juvenile delinquents?

9. What measures can be taken to prevent young people from committing crimes?

2. Choose the best ending for each sentence and justify your opinion.

1. A traditional family today…

a) consists of representatives of at least three generations;

b) comes in many shapes and sizes;

с) consists of parents and their children.

2. People live in families because...

a) it is easier to survive as a member of a family;

b) families give children an example how to live in the surrounding world;

с) this is a tradition.

3. Mothers and wives work because...

a) today it is unusual for a woman to stay at home;

b) a father alone can't provide suitable living conditions for a family;

с) cost of living is higher today than it used to be.

4. Families are getting smaller because...

a) it is difficult to support and bring up more than one child;

b) young people pay much attention to the future of their families;

c) today young people have serious health problems.

5. There are a lot of families headed by one parent today because...

a) family laws are much milder;

b) women have become more independent both financially and emotionally;

c) there is a lot of family violence.

6. Modern parents…

a) abuse their children;

b) want their children learn to be independent from early age;

с) put problems of upbringing to relatives.

7. A generation gap...

a) is a specific feature of modern society;

b) means serious problems of teenagers and young people;

c) is the lack of understanding or the differences between older and younger people.

8. Young people today...

a) mostly turn to drugs and crime;

b) don't care much about their future;

с) are optimistic and career-minded.

3. Render the following into Russian:

People today live under many types of stress. Peer pressure, family conditions and unemployment are just a few reasons why young people try to escape reality by turning to drugs and alcohol. Problems with drinking, drug abuse, teen pregnancies and juvenile delinquency are very serious today. Many children and teenagers run away from home. Some return after a few days or weeks, but others turn to crime and become juvenile delinquents. Among the causes of this are poor family relations, family violence, bad neighbourhood conditions, peer pressure and sometimes drug abuse.

4. Read the text and discuss the questions that follow.
Domestic Violence

Twenty years ago, little empirical knowledge about intimate partner violence existed, conceptual explanations for relationship violence were not well thought out, and social workers were ill trained for dealing with the problem. Domestic violence, at that time, was private and seen as a family problem and personal issue. Today, students and social workers can benefit from research findings and years of practice experience that were not available two decades ago.

The implications of domestic violence for social workers are significant; many of the individuals we work with will be or have been affected as primary and secondary victims. Many of our male clients have battered their partners. Many of us have felt the impact of violence in our own families.

Social workers must have insight into the problem of domestic violence to effectively work toward ending relationship violence. Interventions that might alleviate domestic maltreatment should be applied at all levels: micro, mezzo, and macro.

1. How has the attitude to the domestic violence changed recently?

2. Why is the issue of domestic violence vital?

3. What should be done to ease domestic violence? What can social workers do?

4. What particular measures can be taken by law enforcement agencies, the courts, social service agencies and corrections/probation agencies to solve the problem of domestic abuse?

5. Speak about modern family challenges, their causes, consequences and possible ways out.
Тема 13. The Job of a Social Worker (Обязанности и специфика трудовой деятельности социальных работников)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий практически применять знания в сфере деловой (профессиональной) коммуникации, говорить о специфике трудовой деятельности социальных работников, их функциональных обязанностях;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

11, 12, 13.

1. Answer the questions.

1. Why is there a considerable distance between social work and the majority of the population?

2. Why are social work and social care as a professional activity hard to define?

3. How is the power of social work and care circumscribed by law?

4. Why have social workers been heavily criticized?

5. What is required from social workers operating on behalf of the state?

2. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that best fits each place.

Each of the social work specialties calls for different qualities. Although they all require an (interesting
) in social problems and concerns, you must match your abilities and interests with the work. Direct clinical service is (emotional
) demanding and requires constantly dealing with (personality
) problems. Community organization work requires practical, political insight and leadership (able
), while a grasp of the large social and political picture and the ability to devise large scale (solve
) are essential to social policy and planning. Some social workers begin their careers in one specialty and later decide to change to another.

The majority of social work jobs are (fund
) directly or indirectly by governments – municipal, provincial or federal. Some social workers work for agencies funded by voluntary (donate
). Job settings include family and child welfare agencies, hospitals and other health care facilities, group homes and hostels, (addict
) treatment facilities, social assistance offices where social workers (provision
) help to individuals, families and small groups. Community organizers work out of settlement houses, community centres and grassroots social action organizations. Social workers (specialize
) in social policy and planning are usually employed in government ministries or departments or in voluntary associations such as planning councils. Research is carried out from universities, government departments and in some of the large social agencies and institutions. A growing number of social workers are (self-employment
), offering services directly to the public for fees, or contracting their services to large organizations.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1. Social work, social care, residential care deliver services in the following settings:

a) social services offices;

b) kindergartens;

c) universities.

2. Medical and public health social workers…

a) focus on food, shelter and clothing;

b) provide psychosocial support needed to cope with chronic, acute, or terminal illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer, or AIDS;

c) develop programs to address such issues as child abuse, homelessness, substance abuse, poverty, and violence.

3. Day centres are attended on a daily basis by people…

a) on holiday;

b) on work trips;

c) with different social needs.

4. Social services offices deliver services to…

a) people having high-powered jobs;

b) suffering life crisis;

c) longing for cooperation.

4. Answer the questions.

1. What area of social work would you like to specialize in? Why?

a) work with community organizations;

b) work with community agencies in program planning and implementation;

с) work with the elderly;

d) work with the unemployed and underemployed;

e) work with people encountering difficult life transitions;

f) social research in the community;

g) work with the developmentally and physically challenged;

h) work with juvenile delinquents;

i) work with at risk school children.

2. Are you interested in working with abused children or with couples who are having trouble in their relationships?

3. Would you like to help people with drug or alcohol problems or assist disabled p

eople to realize their potential?

4. Would you like to assist people to influence the quality of life of their communities and neighbourhoods? Could you see yourself helping groups organize to get better housing, improved health care or safer neighbourhoods?

5. Would you like to use your knowledge and skill to help shape better social policies?

6. Are you keen to delve into the causes of specific social ills, or to grapple with questions about which social programs really work and why?

7. Do you think that employment of social workers is expected to grow for all occupations? What social trends will create greater demand for social services?

8. Would you rather work full-time or part-time, or go into private practice?

9. Are you prepared to work evenings and weekends to meet with clients, attend community meetings, handle emergencies?

10. Would you mind travelling locally to visit clients?

11. How do you think you would cope with understaffing and large caseloads, which add to the pressure in this job?

12. Do you consider yourself a person who is emotionally mature, objective, and sensitive to people and their problems?

13. Would you be able to handle responsibility, work independently, and maintain good working relationships with clients and coworkers?

5. Read the text and suggest a social workers classification.

Social work is a profession for those who have a strong desire to help improve people's lives. Social workers help people function the best way they can in their environment, deal with their relationships, and solve personal and family problems. Social workers often see clients who face a life-threatening disease or a social problem. These problems may include inadequate housing, unemployment, serious illness, disability, or substance abuse. Social workers also assist families that have serious domestic conflicts, including those involving child or spousal abuse.

Social workers often provide social services in health-related settings that now are governed by managed care organizations.

Most social workers specialize. Although some conduct research or are involved in planning or policy development, most social workers prefer an area of practice in which they interact with clients.

There are child, family, and school social workers, medical and public health social workers, mental health and substance abuse social workers. Other types of social workers include social work planners and policymakers, who develop programs to address such issues as child abuse, homelessness, substance abuse, poverty, and violence. These workers research and analyze policies, programs, and regulations. They identify social problems and suggest legislative and other solutions. They may help raise funds or write grants to support these programs.

6. Speak about the job of a social worker.


Для того чтобы правильно выполнить работу № 1, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка, используя рекомендованную литературу.

1. Имя существительное. Множественное число. Артикли и предлоги как показатели имени существительного. Степени сравнения имён прилагательных.

2. Числительные.

3. Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, вопросительные, указательные, неопределённые и отрицательные.

4. Форма настоящего (Present
), прошедшего (Past
) и будущего (Future
) времен групп Indefinite
), Continuous
) действительного и страдательного залогов (Active
, Passive
). Спряжение глаголов to be
, to have
в Present
, Past
и Future
). Повелительное наклонение и его отрицательная форма.

5. Простое распространённое предложение: прямой порядок слов повелительного и побудительного предложений в утвердительной форме; обратный порядок слов вопросительного предложения. Оборот there

6. Модальные глаголы (can
, may
, must
) и их эквиваленты.

Вариант 1
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, дайте письменные ответы на вопросы к нему.

I was one of six children. I have two younger brothers and three elder sisters. My father was not a wealthy man and we lived in a three-bedroom house, so conditions at home were always quite cramped and there was little privacy. Yet I consider that I was extremely fortunate. The house was on the outskirts of a small town. Meadows, woods and even a friendly stream lay within walking distance of our home. My mother and father were far too busy to occupy themselves with my affairs, so the greater part of my upbringing was left to my sisters. If I am now a comparatively calm and placid person, able to cope tolerably well with those problems that life presents us with, it is, I firmly believe, due to the fact that I was allowed to grow up without too much fuss being made of me.

The most dreadful fate that I can imagine would be that of growing up as an only child. All mothers and fathers experiment on their unfortunate firstborn. They read the latest baby books, they attend clinics and courses of lectures. They listen to the advice of maiden aunts.

They debate the exact moment to present him or her with solid food. What they find extremely difficult to do is to allow their children to grow up at his own pace, to make his own mistakes and quietly learn from them.

As soon as the second baby is on the way, the first escapes from this period of close attention. He begins to get away with things. He discovers that even if he does eat sandwiches with dirty hands, or unripe apples that have fallen from the tree, he may not be sick in the night. He acquires a sense of proportion regarding his own importance.

But what happens to the only child? Never, or at least not until it is far too late to do anything about it, does he or she escape from the minute examination of his every action. It is a miracle if he does not grow up a nervous person constantly worrying about his health, a wholly self-centered being, who shivers at the sight of his own reflection in the mirror.

1. Can you describe the place where the author lived when he was a child?

2. Was he an only child in the family?

3. Who was occupied with the upbringing of the author?

4. What character does the author have?

5. Is it easy to be an only child in the family in his opinion? Why? Why not?

6. Do you agree with the author that being an only child in the family is a real problem?

2. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1. условия в доме всегда были довольно стесненными;

2. не хватало уединения;

3. быть чрезвычайно счастливым;

4. на окраинах маленького городка;

5. способный справляться с проблемами;

6. вздрагивать при виде своего отражения в зеркале.

3. Употребите оборот there is/there are в правильной форме в нужном времени.

1. She lives in a very small flat, so conditions at home are cramped and … little privacy.

2. … meadows, woods and even a friendly stream near the place he lived.

3. … five children in the family: four boys and a girl.

4. Soon … a new shop in the center of the town.

5. … any pictures in this book?

6. … no accommodation available.

4. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо.

1. In Britain an average family consists of … mother, … father and two or three children.

2. For … weekend we sometimes go to … village where my mother has … house.

3. He works at … big automobile plant as … engineer.

4. She is … teacher of … music and plays … piano well.

5. She is … pupil of … 9th
form. She does well at … school and gets only … good and … excellent marks.

6. In … evenings we watch … TV, read … books and … newspapers, listen to … music or just talk about … events of … day.

5. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1. If you eat an unripe apple that has fallen … the tree, you may be sick … night.

2. My grand-grandmother is … poor health and she lives … my grandmother's family.

3. My sister is married and has children … her own.

4. My friend's family lives … a private house.

5. It is quite rare … Britain … grandparents, aunts and uncles to share the house … the family.

6. They usually go … bed … about midnight.

6. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильном времени и залоге.

1. His father (to like
) his work and (to
) most of his time there.

2. Last year I (to leave
) school and (to enter
) the University. Now I (to be
) a first-year student.

3. He also encouraged me in my desire to become a teacher of Literature, saying that it (to be
) one of the most interesting professions he ever (to know

4. I (to have
) many friends at school. Look at this picture, we all (to take
) photo in it.

5. She (to finish
) school in two years.

6. He (to be
) a good sportsman now but he (not to like
) to speak about his sport achievements.

7. Заполните пропуски активными словами: final, shoulders, question, important, heavens, life, family, child, clothes, dream.


Mum, I want to tell you something … .


What is it, dear?


I'm going to get married.


Get married?! You must be joking.


Nothing of the kind. It's my … decision. I'm not a … any more.


Good …! But you are only 18. I hope you are not serious.


Absolutely serious.


But who is that poor thing?


It's Helen, you know her. Helen is a … of a girl, the sweetest girl I've ever met! I can't see my … without her.


Oh, no! Helen is out of the … . She is too young. She can't even cook, likes good … and doesn't work yet. Your marriage is sure to fall on my … .


Don't worry. It is not as bad as that. We are going to live with her … .

8. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, must, may, should, need в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме.

1. … I try on this blue raincoat? – Certainly. Here is the fitting room.

2. He … speak many foreign languages.

3. You … park the car there. It's forbidden.

4. Jack … laugh at John. John feels hurt.

5. You … go shopping. I have already bought all necessary things.

6. … you play any musical instrument?

9. Задайте как можно больше различных типов вопросов к предложению.

My father was not a wealthy man and we lived in a three-bedroom house, so conditions at home were always quite cramped and there was little privacy.

Вариант 2
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, дайте письменные ответы на вопросы к нему.

We live in a new 16-storey block of flats in Strogino. It is situated in a very picturesque place not far from the Moskva River. There is a big supermarket on the ground floor and it is very convenient to do every day shopping.

Our flat is on the first floor. It is very comfortable and well-planned. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and a telephone. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat. There is also a balcony and we can enjoy a lovely view of the river.

The largest room in our flat is the living room and we use it as a dining room and as a sitting room. In the middle of the room there is a big table and six chairs around it. Opposite the window there is a wall unit with lots of books, a TV-set and a video cassette recorder. There are two comfortable armchairs and a small coffee table in the right-hand corner. There is also a sofa and an electric fire in our living room. We like the living room best of all, because in the evenings we gather there to have tea, watch TV, talk and rest.

My room is the smallest room in our flat, but it is very cozy and light. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, an armchair and several bookshelves in my room. There is a thick carpet on the floor. The walls in my room are light-brown and there are some big posters on them. I like my room very much, but from time to time I change it round. I quite often move the bed and change the posters on the wall.

Our kitchen is large and light. It is very well-equipped. We have got a refrigerator, a freezer, a microwave oven, a coffeemaker and a toaster. We haven't got a dishwasher yet, because it is very expensive. But I am sure we'll buy it in the near future.

1. Does the family live in a house or in a block of flats?

2. Is there a study in the flat?

3. Where does the family have meals?

4. How many rooms are there in the flat?

5. What is there in the living room?

6. Is the kitchen well-equipped?

2. Дайте английские эквиваленты русским словосочетаниям:

1. многоквартирный дом,

2. первый этаж,

3. современные удобства,

4. гостиная,

5. менять местами (мебель и т. п.),

6. морозильная камера.

3. Выпишите из текста конструкции there is/there are и поставьте их в прошедшее время.
4. Заполните пропуски артиклями.

1. After … weeks of … looking, we eventually bought … house.

2. He saw … car parked by … side of … road. … driver was asleep.

3. … French are believed to be rather romantic.

4. Kate visited her grandmother daily, sometimes twice … week.

5. They visited … Tate Gallery yesterday.

5. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1. He came … 7 o'clock … the morning.

2. There is something odd … him.

3. They saw an approaching car … the distance.

4. Most people prefer travelling … air.

5. Usually we have just a cup of coffee and a sandwich … breakfast.

6. He has been working here … 1982.

6. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильном времени и залоге.

1. We will leave in a minute. You (to be ready

2. Can this man (to rely
) upon?

3. I asked him if he ever (to be
) to London.

4. This work must (to do
) very carefully.

5. An apple a day (to keep
) the doctor away.

6. (not to go
) along!

7. Заполните пропуски активными словами: the largest, their, myself, everybody, the fifth, the smallest, five, my.

1. Her room is … room in … flat.

2. Almost … has modern conveniences now.

3. The Smiths live in a …-stored block of flats.

4. … flat is on … floor.

5. Usually a living room is … room in a flat.

6. I decorated my room … .

8. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, must, may, should, need.

1. … you swim?

2. What … happen to a man if he doesn't follow the doctors' advice?

3. … I smoke here?

4. Pupils … talk during the lessons?

5. You … wear that hat. It is old-fashioned.

6. You … work so much. You … get tired.

9. Задайте как можно больше различных типов вопросов к предложению.

There is a big supermarket on the ground floor and it is very convenient to do every day shopping.

Вариант 3
1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст, в котором фотомодель Тина рассказывает о своем рабочем дне. Дайте письменные ответы на вопросы к тексту.

Well, the first thing that I do as soon as I wake up is to go and have a shower. I start with a warm shower and then, just before I get out of the shower, I turn the water onto cold and for a few seconds I have a really cold shower and let the water run over me. It really wakes you up, you know. After that I usually go into my bedroom, open the bedroom window and breathe in some fresh air and sit on the floor and do a few exercises. I think it's really important that you do a few exercises first thing in the morning: it makes your body feel good and keeps the muscles firm. I usually exercise my stomach muscles and my leg muscles. I also exercise my face muscles with my fingers for a few minutes and that keeps the skin of my face very firm, which is, I think, important for a model. Well, now, after I've brushed my hair, done my exercises and had my shower, I go and have my breakfast. Now I really believe that it's important to have a really good breakfast. I don't think you should just have a cup of coffee, like some of the girls do. Well, anyway, I have orange juice every morning and often I have an egg and toast. I also like yoghurt and grapefruit.

By 10 o'clock I am ready to get dressed and go to work. I usually take a taxi to work. I usually arrive at about 11. I don't usually eat anything for lunch, but sometimes I have a sandwich and a glass of milk. Then I work for about four hours with the photographer and he takes pictures, a lot of pictures. Usually they are the sort of pictures that are used in the weekly magazines, women's weekly magazines. I finish work at about 5, so as you can see I've got quite good hours: I only work from about eleven to five and then it's time to go home. When I get home I make some telephone calls, watch news on telly, have a bath and change my clothes. Every night I usually go out. I like dancing. I go dancing quite often. I can't cook very well, so I like to eat out as often as I can afford it. I'd say I have a good life really, and I am well paid when you think about the number of hours I work.

1. How does Tina's working day begin?

2. Does Tina do her morning exercises every day? Why/Why not?

3. What does Tina's breakfast consist of?

4. What sort of work does Tina have?

5. What does Tina do in her spare time in the evening?

6. Is Tina satisfied with her life? And you: are you satisfied with your life?

2. Дайте английские эквиваленты русским словосочетаниям:

1. принимать теплый (холодный) душ;

2. поддерживать мышцы в тонусе;

3. такие фотографии, которые используются в еженедельных женских журналах;

4. время ехать домой;

5. смотреть по телевизору новости;

6. переодеваться.

3. Употребите оборот there is/there are в правильной форме в нужном времени.

1. … two cups of coffee on the table yesterday.

2. … any interesting articles in this magazine?

3. … too much furniture in Tina's bedroom.

4. … some magazines on the table. Give me one, with Tina's pictures, please.

5. … a good performance at the theatre tomorrow.

6. … a traffic jam in the street an hour ago and Tina was late for work.

4. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо.

1. If I have enough time I'll take … warm shower.

2. In ten minutes I will be ready for … breakfast.

3. I usually have something substantial for … dinner, for example, cabbage soup for … first course, hot meat and fish with some vegetables for … second.

4. Then I drink … cup of … tea or … milk.

5. Sometimes I go to … library to get ready for my practical classes or to write … report.

6. We all get together in … kitchen, then go to … sitting room and watch … TV, read … books or discuss … different problems.

5. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1. … weekdays I usually get up … 7 o'clock.

2. Then I go … the bathroom where I clean my teeth and wash myself.

3. While having breakfast, I listen … the latest news … the radio.

4. We usually have lunch … a small café.

5. We work … 11 a.m. till 5 p.m. … Saturdays.

6. I think I get a lot … useful experience.

6. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильном времени и залоге.

1. Last year I (to manage
) to get a position of a secretary in a small business company.

2. It (to take
) me an hour to get to work.

3. I (not to want
) to waste my time on the train, so I usually (to read
) books.

4. Our roof (to tear off
) by the hurricane last night.

5. I already (to do
) my work and now I (to be
) free.

6. My friend (to fire
) today.

7. Заполните пропуски активными словами: however, timetable, manage, achieve, duties, dull, especially, obligations, surprising, outstanding.

All of us have so many … and … that sometimes we don't have enough time to do all we have to do. It's really … how much work some people … to do, and quickly at that! But it often happens that we don't have enough time to do everything, and put it off till "some other time".

Planning the day is … necessary for people who want to make time for important things. Many … people say that a daily … has helped them greatly to … what they have. There are some people, …, who will say that a strict timetable makes life … and uninteresting. What do you think?

8. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, must, may, should, need в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме.

1. You … send for the doctor.

2. You … keep my book for a week.

3. You … follow the doctor's advice. You are seriously ill.

4. What … you do for him?

5. You … buy milk. We have some at home.

6. … I switch on the radio? – Yes, you … .

9. Задайте как можно больше различных типов вопросов к предложению.

I usually go into my bedroom, open the bedroom window and breathe in some fresh air and sit on the floor and do a few exercises.

Вариант 4
1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст, в котором студентка Наталья рассказывает о своих выходных днях. Дайте письменные ответы на вопросы к тексту.

A lot of people in our country work five days a week but students and pupils work six days. They have only one day off. It is Sunday.

I like this day very much. You needn't hurry anywhere and you may go wherever you like after your week's work. On this day I wake up later than usual. But sometimes I don't get up till nine or ten o'clock. I read morning newspapers or listen to music.

As soon as I get up I air the room, make my bed and do morning exercises. Then I have breakfast, clear away the dishes and wash up. Two more hours for getting ready with my homework and I am free.

I meet my friends and we discuss our plans together. We may go to the cinema or theatre, to museums and parks. Last Sunday we went to the Botanical Garden. There were many beds of spring flowers there: red, yellow and blue. People in light clothes were walking along the paths. The air was fresh and clean. It was very pleasant to spend time there.

In fine weather we also like to be out of town. We find a nice place somewhere in the forest or on the bank of the river. We lie in the sun, play different games and swim. In winter my friends and I often go to the skating-ring. Skating is my favourite kind of sport, but I like to ski too.

When the weather is bad my friends come to my place. We listen to music or go to the cinema. On the way home we usually discuss the films we've seen.

In the evening all the members of our family get together. We have our supper, make plans for tomorrow, watch TV or read books. Reading is my hobby. Sometimes we receive guests at our place or go for a walk. I enjoy my days off very much.

1. Why does Natalie like Sunday?

2. What does she do in the morning on Sunday?

3. Where did Natalie go last Sunday? Describe this place.

4. What does Natalie do on Sunday if the weather is fine and if the weather is bad?

5. What is her favourite kind of sport?

6. How does she spend her Sunday evenings? And how do you usually spend the evenings on your days off?

2. Дайте английские эквиваленты русским словосочетаниям:

1. можешь пойти, куда пожелаешь;

2. проветривать комнату;

3. клумбы с весенними цветами;

4. на берегу реки;

5. лежать на солнце;

6. принимать гостей.

3. Употребите оборот there is/there are в правильной форме в нужном времени.

1. Every Sunday we go to the Botanical Garden, … a lot of beautiful flowers there: red, yellow and blue.

2. … so many theatres, parks and museums in Moscow, that sometimes it's difficult to decide where to go on days off.

3. … an interesting film on TV next Saturday.

4. How many days … in a week?

5. … a lot of people at the theatre last night?

6. … too much furniture in your room two years ago.

4. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо.

1. Eating out in … restaurant is now very popular.

2. He is free only at … weekends.

3. Natalie often goes to … country on her days off.

4. His hobby is going in for … sports.

5. … air was fresh, … sun was shining and we went to … bank of … river.

6. In big cities there is … wide variety of … restaurants serving … different types of … food at … different prices.

5. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1. … breakfast the family decides how to spend the day.

2. A few years ago Nick was fond … collecting stamps.

3. Mr. Davies and Paul want to go … a football match, while Mrs. Davies and Veronica would rather spend the day … town buying souvenirs.

4. Where are your children? – They are … holidays … Saint Petersburg.

5. I'll stay … a hotel. I have already reserved a single room … a bath.

6. The plane arrived … the airport … three hour's delay.

6. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильном времени и залоге.

1. He always (to become
) so happy when I (to take
) him to the river on Sundays.

2. Last summer my parents (to decide
) to go to the Crimea, it (to be
) the greatest mistake they ever (to make

3. She (not to want
) to go to the countryside this Sunday.

4. Tomorrow Natalie (to go
) to a small country house that (to be situated
) in a very picturesque place.

5. Yesterday Nick (to invite
) to the party.

6. I never (to see
) the sea in my life.

7. Заполните пропуски активными словами: progress, weekend, tunes, studies, beautiful, theatre, fantastic, attached, old ballet, lucky.


Hello, Granny! How are you?


Oh, that's you, Natalie. How nice of you to ring me up! I'm all right, thank you. And what about you? How are your … progressing?


It's OK. I'm quite satisfied with the … . This week I was very … .


And how are you going to spend your …? I remember you asked me to take you to the … once.


It would be …, Granny! Opera and Ballet then. Do you know what is on there?


Swan Lake.
I hope it won't bore you to see an … . I am … to the old … . And Swan Lake
was the first ballet in which I saw Pavlova.


All right then. It must be a very … ballet.

8. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, must, may, should, need в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме.

1. You … park the car on the pavement.

2. What kind of dictionaries … you find in the library?

3. … she knit?

4. You … stay at your friends' over the weekend.

5. You … take your umbrella. It's sunny outside.

6. He … do it that way. It's bad.

9. Задайте как можно больше различных типов вопросов к предложению.

A lot of people in our country work five days a week but students and pupils work six days.

Вариант 5
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, дайте письменные ответы на вопросы к нему.

Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.

Hobbies are divided into four large groups: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things.

The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.

Gardening is one of the oldest of man's hobbies. It is a well-known fact that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.

Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.

Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.

Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life: stamps, coins, match-boxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.

No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.

1. Tastes differ. Can you say the same about hobbies?

2. Which hobby groups do you know?

3. The most popular hobby group is doing things, isn't it? What kind of activities does this group include?

4. Do you know any hobbies of famous people?

5. What can be collected?

6. Why can learning be the most exciting aspect of a hobby?

2. Дайте английские эквиваленты русским словосочетаниям:

1. вкус,

2. разнообразие,

3. взрослый человек,

4. человек, имеющий определенное хобби,

5. ручная работа,

6. не иметь настоящей ценности,

7. чем бы человек ни увлекался.

3. Заполните пропуски, используя конструкции
there is/there are, there was/there were.

1. … often a rainbow after rain.

2. … nothing to be done about this.

3. … few pens in the box.

4. … anything interesting on the TV programme tonight?

5. … no place like home.

6. … many good films in the cinema that day.

4. Заполните пропуски артиклями.

1. I had never owned … pet.

2. He has always dreamed to enter … Cambridge University.

3. John is … hard-working man. Sometimes he works 14 hours … day.

4. She enjoys going to … theatre.

5. … Smiths live on … Oxford Street.

6. Jack has … lot of plans for … future.

5. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1. Jane was very tired … the end of the school year.

2. … this time tomorrow you will be taking your examination.

3. … weekends there is a lot of traffic … the roads.

4. Their son shows no enthusiasm … music lessons.

5. The granny is very kind … the kid.

6. Don't jump … conclusions.

6. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильном времени и залоге.

1. I (to hurry
) to the station. My friend (to come

2. When I (to awake
) there was nobody in.

3. (to make
) tea for him!

4. After breakfast he (to rise
) from the table.

5. Ann, (not to forget
) we (to
) a party tomorrow!

6. Mary still (to
) her homework?

7. Заполните пропуски активными словами: some, these, everything, mine, the most, two, short, his.

1. Have you already packed …?

2. Nick has got … expensive stamps.

3. James has … jobs. He starts at 8 o'clock and works until quarter to 10.

4. He is fond of writing … stories and … wife is fond of reading … stories.

5. Monday is considered to be … difficult day of a week.

6. She was a very good friend of … .

8. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, must, may, should, need.

1. You … join our group.

2. It … be cold. Take your coat.

3. Children … go to bed at 9 o'clock.

4. … I use your telephone?

5. You … attend all lectures on maths.

6. … your mother drive?

9. Задайте как можно больше различных типов вопросов к предложению.

I went to the box office to get tickets for the ballet "The Nutcracker" but found out that there were no more tickets left.

Вариант 6
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, дайте письменные ответы на вопросы к нему.

Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different types of music.

Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and laze in the sun.

Most travellers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them – the sights of the city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, plains, waterfalls, forests; different kinds of trees, flowers and plants, animal and birds.

Later, perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they have had.

People travel by train, by plane, by boat, by car.

All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. All people choose one according to their plans and destinations.

If we are fond of travelling, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers, and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand the people is to meet them in their own homes.

1. Why do people travel?

2. How do different people spend their holidays?

3. What means of travel do you know? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

4. Are you fond of travelling?

5. What places have you visited?

6. What places would you like to visit?

2. Дайте английские эквиваленты русским словосочетаниям:

1. перемена обстановки,

2. горожанин,

3. валяться на солнце,

4. отдыхающий, отпускник,

5. фотографировать,

6. место назначения,

7. недостаток.

3. Заполните пропуски, используя конструкции there is/there are, there was/there were.

1. … a mistake in your dictation.

2. It was very early and … nobody in the street.

3. … usually a stamp on the envelope.

4. Many years ago … no electricity in the houses.

5. … a lot of snow this year.

6. … some apples in the fridge.

4. Заполните пропуски артиклями.

1. Jane refused to look for … job.

2. … most people prefer … travelling by … plane though it is … most expensive form of transport.

3. He was wounded in … leg.

4. They took part in … Olympic Games.

5. Traditionally cooking was carried out in … evening.

6. … practice of giving … baby … bottle of water at nights is … bad one.

5. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1. There was something unusual … him.

2. He met his wife … the railway station.

3. This is what happened … Ann's birthday.

4. Our manager is leaving … Moscow tomorrow.

5. The boy was shivering … cold.

6. We made an appointment … him … the next day.

6. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильном времени и залоге.

1. What you (to look
) for?

2. (to hurry up
) if you (to want
) to go with me!

3. He (to go
) out when the lesson was over.

4. We (to go
) to the café tonight.

5. Bob (to come
) home late yesterday.

6. Jane (to drop
) two cups while she (to wash
) up last night.

7. Заполните пропуски активными словами: my (´2), her, youngest, easier, this, himself, other, us, his, some.

1. I like spending … holidays in Yalta, but I wasn't there … week.

2. She doesn't have to work at weekends and this makes family life much … for … .

3. Their … son wants to do everything … .

4. Mother bought several tickets for … .

5. … friend and … wife were very happy to be back.

6. … people provide goods. … people provide services.

8. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, must, may, should, need.

1. The Fine Arts Museum isn't far from here. You … take the Underground. You … just walk there.

2. Nick … run long distances.

3. The boy … see a doctor. He is ill.

4. Drivers … go at 60 km an hour here.

5. You … buy bread. We have some at home.

6. Butter … be kept in a fridge.

9. Задайте как можно больше различных типов вопросов к предложению.

Millions of people travel long distances abroad on business trips or for holidays every year.


Для того чтобы выполнить работу № 2, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка по рекомендованному учебнику:

1. Видо-временные формы глагола: активный залог формы Indefinite
, Continuous
, Perfect
, Perfect-Continuous
. Особенности перевода пассивных конструкций на русский язык.

2. Модальные глаголы.

3. Простые неличные формы глагола: Participle
, Participle
в функциях определения и обстоятельства. Gerund
– герундий, его формы.

Вариант 1
1. Read and translate the text.

Social work and social care as a professional activity are indeed hard to define. The area is diverse, changeable and highly controversial. Social work is scattered across different sites, working with different sorts of people. The problem of description is one of social work's defining characteristics, for it is "in an essentially contested and ambiguous position". Social work has always been the subject of argument and debate concerning its purpose in society; it is ambiguous, for it operates between "individual initiative and the all encompassing state".

Social work has to balance the rights of individual service users with its statutory responsibilities and with the requirement to challenge unjust policies as they effect users. Any definition of social work and social care has to recognize that its power to operate is circumscribed by law. Government outlines how social workers should respond to certain groups of individuals. Legislation can, for example, place a duty upon social services departments to act to prevent child abuse, while giving them considerable discretion with regard to family support. In assessing whether children are at risk, the law requires social workers to use their professional judgement in deciding whether to intervene in a situation. Social workers have been heavily criticized, particularly by the media and some politicians, for intervening both too quickly and not quickly enough.

In operating on behalf of the state, social workers are involved in a balancing act; they are required to represent the state to users of services with whom they work, while advocating on behalf of individuals back to the state. In the UK (unlike other countries, such as Germany), social workers are required to carry out statutory and protective roles, while at the same time promoting social justice. In Germany this contradiction is resolved by employing both social workers (with a protective role) and social pedagogues (with an enabling community role). Both roles are seen as valid. Qualification on the one hand does not preclude entry to the other, whereas in the UK social workers and community workers are trained separately.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. Why are social work and social care difficult to define?

2. How can legislation change social services?

3. Who decides whether social workers should intervene in a situation?

4. How are social workers involved in a balancing act?

5. How is this contradiction resolved in the UK and Germany?

3. Write the sentences in Passive Voice with the same meaning.

1. People should send their complaints to the head office.

2. They had to postpone the meeting because of illness.

3. Somebody might have stolen your car if you had left the keys in it.

4. An electrical fault could have caused the fire.

5. They are going to hold next year congress in San Francisco.

6. The postman delivers newspapers regularly.

7. She could book the ticket later.

8. They had offered me a job at a local bank.

4. Complete the sentences using can, must, should, have to in the appropriate form.

1. Tom … drive but he hasn't got a car.

2. My grandmother loved music. She … play the piano very well.

3. You … have an international passport to visit foreign countries.

4. The government … do something about the economy.

5. I promised I'd be on time. I … be late.

6. The man … be a foreigner.

7. He … understand Russian.

8. You … tell the truth.

5. Complete the sentences using the Gerund of the verbs in brackets.

1. (talk
) to him was like (play
) upon the exquisite violin.

2. It seems awful (plant
) myself on you.

3. Then suddenly he stopped (laugh
) and frowned.

4. There is no sense in (talk
) to him.

5. No one likes (make
) to look a perfect damned fool.

6. Supply Participle I or Participle II for the verbs in brackets.

1. My father and I spent an hour or so (take
) out materials to that room.

2. He stood for a while (hold
) my hands.

3. He answered through the (lock
) door.

4. The housekeeper had come out of her room (attract
) by the violent ringing of the bell.

5. Generally (speak
), the problem is not so easy as it seems to be.

7. Translate into English using Passive Voice.

1. Я уверена, ему зададут много вопросов, когда он закончит говорить.

2. На вечере им показали очень интересный фильм.

3. Эти вопросы будут затронуты на завтрашнем собрании.

4. Ему сообщили эту новость перед тем, как он уехал.

5. Им объяснили все значения этого слова.

6. Над его шутками всегда смеются.

7. Мне лишь упомянули об этом случае.

8. Почту просмотрели утром.

9. Секретарю продиктовали письмо по телефону.

10. Об этом фильме много говорят.

8. Make all types of questions to each sentence (general, special, disjunctive, alternative).

1. Most people can have difficulty describing what a social worker does.

2. Domestic violence historically has been viewed as a private family matter.

3. Prolonged stress leads to physical and mental exhaustion.

Вариант 2
1. Read and translate the text.

Domestic violence (also known as domestic abuse or spousal abuse) occurs when a family member, partner or ex-partner attempts to physically or psychologically dominate another. Domestic violence often refers to violence between spouses, or spousal abuse but can also include cohabitants and non-married intimate partners. Domestic violence occurs in all cultures; people of all races, ethnicities, religions, sexes and classes can be perpetrators of domestic violence. Domestic violence is perpetrated by both men and women.

Domestic violence has many forms, including physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, intimidation, economic deprivation, and threats of violence. Violence can be criminal and includes physical assault (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc.), sexual abuse (unwanted or forced sexual activity), and stalking. Although emotional, psychological and financial abuses are not criminal behaviours, they are forms of abuse and can lead to criminal violence.

Recent attention to domestic violence began in the women's movement, particularly feminism and women's rights, in the 1970s, as concern about wives being beaten by their husbands gained attention. Awareness and documentation of domestic violence differs from country to country. Estimates are that only about a third of cases of domestic violence are actually reported in the United States and the United Kingdom. According to the Centers for Disease Control, domestic violence is a serious, preventable public health problem affecting more than 32 million Americans, or more than 10% of the U.S. population.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What is domestic violence?

2. What are the types of domestic violence?

3. Is domestic abuse a male or female preserve?

4. What abuses are not criminal behaviours?

5. What movements raised awareness of domestic abuse?

3. Write the sentences in Passive Voice with the same meaning.

1. They shouldn't have played the football match in such bad weather.

2. People don't use this road very often.

3. They cancelled all flights because of the fog.

4. Somebody accused me of stealing the money.

5. They are building a new ring-road around the city.

6. Have you warned them about the meeting?

7. They will have repaired my shoes by the evening.

8. I didn't attend the meeting because you hadn't warned me.

4. Complete the sentences using can, should, must, would, have to in the appropriate form.

1. He can't play tennis very well now but he … play quite well.

2. If you have a bad toothache you … go to the dentist.

3. You can tell Tom what I said but he … keep it a secret.

4. I … like some information about hotels, please.

5. She stayed in bed this morning because she … go to work.

6. You … feel hungry.

7. Teenagers … drink alcohol.

8. You … answer my question if you don't want to.

5. Complete the sentences using the Gerund of the verbs in brackets.

1. I don't mind (tell
) you what I know.

2. We did not mind (question
) by the police.

3. I really shouldn't dream of (ask
) her.

4. He didn't go without (congratulate
) by Amy.

5. The door opened quietly and he went without (say
) a word.

6. Supply Participle I or Participle II for the verbs in brackets.

1. She answered (go
) into the house and (lead
) into a small sitting room.

2. There are difficulties (put
) in their way.

3. I enjoyed the book. It was very (interest

4. They were (shock
) when they heard the news.

5. He thought the story was (amuse

7. Translate into English using Passive Voice.

1. Не закрывайте окно. Его только что открыли.

2. В этом году построено много новых домов.

3. Было обсуждено только два вопроса, когда мы услышали звонок.

4. Как долго строят этот стадион?

5. Они заблудились, потому что им не показали дорогу.

6. Когда будет обсуждаться этот вопрос?

7. Об этом факте давно знают.

8. Все письма будут написаны к пяти часам.

9. Мне было интересно, где спрятали ключ.

10. Ему сказали, что он должен прийти в 8 часов.

8. Make all types of questions to each sentence (general, special, disjunctive, alternative).

1. People might lose their homes due to unemployment, overwhelming medical expenses, debts or domestic violence.

2. A council representative explained that the building needed repairs and complete redecoration.

3. There has been significant growth in the number of employees working extremely long hours.

Вариант 3
1. Read and translate the text.

Social policy studies not merely the organization and delivery of state welfare services, but is concerned with how well-being can be developed in society at large. Well-being can be achieved through the satisfaction of individuals' socially defined needs. Although adequacy of food, shelter and clothing may seem to be an unambiguous measure of need, these needs are expressed differently by people from different cultures and societies. If we take into account people's psychological and emotional development, the issue becomes more complex and presents social policy with new challenges. If, for example, parents can not leave their children to play safely in the street for fear of a car accident or abduction, then their sense of well-being is affected. These questions require us to be clear at what level and to what extent the welfare state can and should satisfy need.

At one level we can take a more inclusive view and include differences of culture, taste and the so-called higher emotional and psychological needs. Or we can use a restrictive approach, which keeps the satisfaction of needs at a basic level, usually focusing on food, shelter and clothing. These questions move beyond the academic when we consider how far the state should satisfy the needs of specific individuals. How much, for example, should the state allocate as social security benefits to meet the needs of those unable to maintain themselves? Should the present basic level of income support be increased to meet the wider social and psychological needs of claimants? How much recognition of different needs between claimants should there be? Should the extra costs incurred in being a single parent / carer or a person with a physical disability be taken into account? Does not allowing for these extra costs in the benefit paid to these groups greatly reduce their ability to participate fully in society?

Unlike other disciplines, therefore, social policy does not content itself only with academic considerations; it aims to improve social conditions.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What is social policy concerned with?

2. How can well-being be achieved?

3. Why are social needs expressed differently?

4. What should be taken into account when allocating social security benefits?

5. What is the aim of social policy?

3. Write the sentences in Passive Voice with the same meaning.

1. I didn't realize that someone was recording our conversation.

2. They have changed the date of the meeting.

3. Brian told me that somebody had attacked and robbed him in the street.

4. They don't pay Jim very much.

5. They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview.

6. I have lost some secret papers.

7. They had packed the suitcases when the bellboy arrived.

8. They are counting the prize money.

4. Complete the sentences using can, be able to, may, must in the appropriate form.

1. I looked everywhere for the book but I … find it.

2. She wasn't at home when I phoned but I … contact her at her office.

3. … I come in? – Please, do.

4. When you come to London again you … come and see us.

5. Hello, … I speak to Tom, please?

6. He … be sick.

7. The children … stay outside themselves.

8. Somebody … take the responsibility for the accident.

5. Complete the sentences using the Gerund of the verbs in brackets.

1. Even a criminal must be told the nature of his crime before (convict

2. The boy is fond of (play
) with pebbles.

3. You couldn't look at her without (strike
) by her modesty.

4. The prospect of (spend
) the whole week with Michael was enchanting.

5. She consoled herself by (think
) that he loved her as much as he was capable of (love

6. Supply Participle I or Participle II for the verbs in brackets.

1. It was (surprise
) that she didn't come to the station.

2. I usually find hockey rather (bore

3. Are you (interest
) in biology?

4. She was too (frighten
) to call.

5. (paralise
) with terror he didn't know what to do.

7. Translate into English using Passive Voice.

1. Можно ли положиться на эти цифры?

2. Книги, которые хорошо читаются, редко найдешь на полках библиотек.

3. Когда мы приехали в Киев, это здание было только что восстановлено.

4. Со мной так еще никогда не разговаривали.

5. Этот материал хорошо носится и стирается.

6. Что строится на этой стороне реки?

7. Почему так прохладно в зале? – Его как раз проветривают.

8. Ваш проект уже принят? – Нет, он все еще рассматривается.

9. Когда мы пришли, обсуждалась новая картина этого режиссера.

10. Чей концерт сейчас исполняется?

8. Make all types of questions to each sentence (general, special, disjunctive, alternative).

1. 50 to 70 percent of doctors' visits are due to stress-related illnesses.

2. Demand management refers to patient education, training programs, early detection, and self-care programs.

3. Job settings include family and child welfare agencies, hospitals and other health care facilities.

Вариант 4
1. Read and translate the text.

Gentrification refers to the physical, social, economic, and cultural phenomenon whereby working-class and/or inner-city neighbourhoods are converted into more affluent middle-class communities, as by remodelling buildings, resulting in increased property values and in the displacement of the poor. Gentrification is a complex term that is difficult to define; it is a process that has inherent class connotations and is an extremely visible process that plays a key role in the physical and social form of contemporary cities. Gentrification is intertwined with change; as the community's buildings undergo renovation and beautification, rents increase resulting in a displacement of old residents that are replaced by more affluent ones.

Sociologist Ruth Glass coined the term in 1964, which she defined using London districts such as Islington as her example:

One by one, many of the working class quarters of London have been invaded by the middle-class – upper and lower. Shabby, modest mews and cottages – two rooms up and two down – have been taken over, when their leases have expired, and have become elegant, expensive residents [...]. Once this process of "gentrification" starts in a district it goes on rapidly until all or most of the original working class occupiers are displaced and the whole social character of the district is changed.

Gentrification can be a politically contentious issue. Gentrification highlights the instability of renting, whereby people might be forced to move away from newly desirable areas because the rent has now gone higher. Usually this conflict is limited to the local level and therefore many who live outside urban areas may not be aware of it. In response to gentrification pressure, cities in which there are more renters than owners often pass rent control ordinances.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What is gentrification?

2. How does it affect the poor?

3. How does it change the face of the city?

4. What social effects does it have?

5. Is gentrification a visible process?

3. Write the sentences in Passive Voice with the same meaning.

1. Nobody told me that George was ill.

2. His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.

3. I think they should have offered Tom the job.

4. Has anyone shown you the new machine?

5. Somebody has cleaned the office.

6. Someone has stolen a picture from a museum.

7. The room looked dirty because we hadn't cleaned it for a week.

8. I packed my things an hour ago.

4. Complete the sentences using have to, can, must, should, be able to in the appropriate form.

1. I'm sorry I couldn't come yesterday. I … work late.

2. … I use your telephone?

3. I think you … learn a few words of Greek before visiting this country.

4. Did you win the match? – Yes. It wasn't easy but I … do it.

5. You … be at work at 9 sharp!

6. … I put this notice in the corridor?

7. Her heart is weak. She … take treatment at hospital.

8. These goods are in demand. You ... advertise them.

5. Complete the sentences using the Gerund of the verbs in brackets.

1. I hate (bother
) with silly questions.

2. She objected to (treat
) as if she were a child.

3. You hair is very long, it needs (cut

4. I like (hear
) that word. It brings back past memories.

5. (start
) this school had been important to him.

6. Supply Participle I or Participle II for the verbs in brackets.

1. Janet will be (disappoint
) if she fails the exam.

2. I sat in the corner (watch

3. She was staring at him with wide and (terrify
) eyes.

4. Miss Smith (look
) rather unlike herself and (decorate
) with a good many rings stood behind.

5. He was deeply (impress
) by the woman who stood (wait
) to receive him now.

7. Translate into English using Passive Voice.

1. Не беспокойтесь, за вашими вещами присмотрят.

2. Обо всем этом скоро забудут.

3. Мне только что предложили интересную работу.

4. Этот дом был построен до того, как началась вторая мировая война.

5. Книга очень популярна у читателей и сейчас широко обсуждается.

6. Когда я вошел в аудиторию, экзаменовали последнего студента.

7. За машиной послали, как только все вещи были уложены.

8. Эта книга уже распродана. Она пользуется большим спросом.

9. К счастью, нам указали на наши ошибки.

10. Где твои часы? – Их чинят.

8. Make all types of questions to each sentence (general, special, disjunctive, alternative).

1. Some social workers begin their careers in one specialty and later decide to change to another.

2. Most people work in order to earn their living.

3. Community organisation work requires practical political insight and leadership abilities.

Вариант 5
1. Read and translate the text.

When a woman leaves an abusive relationship, she often has nowhere to go. This is particularly true of women with few resources. Lack of affordable housing and long waiting lists for assisted housing mean that many women and their children are forced to choose between abuse at home or the streets. Moreover, shelters are frequently filled to capacity and must turn away battered women and their children.

Many studies demonstrate the contribution of domestic violence to homelessness, particularly among families with children. A 1990 Ford Foundation study found that 50% of homeless women and children were fleeing abuse. More recently, in a study of 777 homeless parents (the majority of whom were mothers) in ten U.S. cities, 22% said they had left their last place of residence because of domestic violence (Homes for the Homeless, 1998). In addition, 46% of cities surveyed by the U.S. Conference of Mayors identified domestic violence as a primary cause of homelessness (U.S. Conference of Mayors, 1998). State and local studies also demonstrate the impact of domestic violence on homelessness.

Shelters provide immediate safety to battered women and their children and help women gain control over their lives. The provision of safe emergency shelter is thus a necessary first step in meeting the needs of women fleeing domestic violence.

A sizable portion of the welfare population experiences domestic violence at any given time; thus, without significant housing support, many welfare recipients are at risk of homelessness or continued violence. In the absence of cash assistance, women who experience domestic violence may be at increased risk of homelessness or compelled to live with a former or current abuser in order to prevent homelessness. Welfare programs must make every effort to assist victims of domestic violence and to recognise the tremendous barrier to employment that domestic violence presents.

Long term efforts to address homelessness must include increasing the supply of affordable housing, ensuring adequate wages and income supports, and providing necessary supportive services.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. Why do any women can't leave an abusive relationship?

2. Why do shelters have to turn away battered women and their children?

3. What statistical data prove that domestic violence contributes to homelessness?

4. What are the benefits of shelters?

5. What are the aims of welfare programs dealing with domestic violence?

3. Write sentences in Passive Voice with the same meaning.

1. Every week millions of people watch this program.

2. Police arrested about 20 people at the demonstration.

3. Have you painted the room? It looks different.

4. The storm broke the tree.

5. They gave me two hours to make the decision.

6. We have kept this meat in the fridge for a week.

7. He had sold the famous house to an American.

8. You should remember his telephone number.

4. Complete the sentences using must, should, be able to, have to, can in the appropriate form.

1. This book is very valuable. You … look after it very carefully and you … lose it.

2. We … leave yet. We've got plenty of time.

3. Do you think you … give me that book?

4. They didn't want to come with us at first but in the end we … persuade them.

5. Margaret … pass the examination. She has studied very hard.

6. You ... take any of these books if they are of such a great value to you.

7. The teacher ... treat all his pupils alike.

8. You … came across this expression in any book.

5. Complete the sentences using the Gerund of the verbs in brackets.

1. The idea seemed ridiculous but she kept on (think
) about it.

2. It's no use (pretend
) it doesn't hurt.

3. He had every reason for (do
) it.

4. (wait
) for the professor was a lame excuse for (do
) nothing.

5. I am already learning something about her without (see
) her.

6. Supply Participle I or Participle II for the verb in brackets.

1. It was really only a little bird (sing
) outside his window.

2. He will certainly come if (ask

3. The doctor looked (worry

4. He laid on his bed (smoke
) a cigarette.

5. It was an old woman (wear
) glasses.

7. Translate into English using Passive Voice.

1. Я не могу смириться с такими результатами вашей команды. Их нужно улучшить.

2. Он надеялся, что его ответ будет правильно понят.

3. Мы расстроились, когда узнали, что наш багаж утерян.

4. Вам сказали, что собрание назначено на четверг?

5. Я не знал, что его не пригласили на вечер.

6. Строительство моста будет закончено до прихода зимы.

7. Ей продиктовали его адрес несколько раз, прежде чем она записала его.

8. Картину повесили над камином.

9. Ему сказали, что его быстро обслужат.

10. Нас там сейчас ждут.

8. Make all types of questions to each sentence (general, special, disjunctive, alternative).

1. The area of social work and social care is strictly defined.

2. Social work has always been the subject of argument and debate.

3. Social workers are required to carry out statutory and protective roles.

Вариант 6
1. Read and translate the text.

Medical Social Work is a sub-discipline of social work. Medical social workers typically work in a hospital, skilled nursing facility or hospice, have a graduate degree in the field (Masters degree in social work), and work with patients and their families in need of psychosocial help. Medical social workers assess the psychosocial functioning of patients and families and intervene as necessary. Interventions may include connecting patients and families to necessary resources and supports in the community; providing psychotherapy, supportive counseling, or grief counseling; or helping a patient to expand and strengthen their network of social supports. Medical social workers typically work on an interdisciplinary team with professionals of other disciplines (such as medicine, nursing, physical, occupational, speech and recreational therapy, etc.).

The medical social worker has a critical role in the area of discharge planning. Discharge is a term that means that the patient no longer requires hospitalization. It is the medical social worker's responsibility to ensure that the services the patient requires are in place in order to facilitate a timely discharge and prevent delays in discharge that can cost the hospital thousands of dollars per day. For example, the medical doctor may inform the medical social worker that a patient will soon be cleared for discharge and will need home care services. It is the medical social worker's job to then arrange for the home care service to be in place so that the patient can be discharged. If the medical social worker fails to arrange for the home care service, the patient may not leave the hospital resulting in a delay in discharge. In such situations the treating physician is ultimately held responsible for the delay. Nevertheless the medical social worker often bears the brunt of the blame for the delay in discharge and his or her failure to perform often attracts the attention of management. As medical social workers often have large caseloads and have to meet tight deadlines to arrange for necessary services, medical social work is a highly demanding job and as a result the turnover rate is high.

In addition, medical social worker often deals with highly complex cases involving patients with multiple psychosocial issues, all of which requiring intervention and leading to delays in discharge. For instance, in a major urban acute care medical centre, it is not uncommon for the medical social worker to assess patients who are simultaneously homeless, without health insurance coverage, have multiple chronic medical and psychiatric conditions, are unemployed, have just been released from incarceration, and have substance abuse problems, all of which, separately and together, can impede timely discharge.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What are medical social workers responsibilities?

2. Who is responsible for discharge planning?

3. Why is the job of a medical social worker a demanding one?

4. What complex cases can medical social workers deal with?

5. What difficult situations are common for medical social workers?

3. Write sentences in Passive Voice with the same meaning.

1. They should have cleaned the windows.

2. I could hear the music from far away.

3. Has someone repaired the machine?

4. I'm not going to the party. No one invited me.

5. They didn't tell Jim about the change of plans.

6. I will send the letter by fax.

7. Mrs. White runs this hotel.

8. He might take us to the airport in this car.

4. Complete the sentences using must, should, be able to, have to, would in the appropriate form.

1. The boy fell into the river but fortunately we … rescue him.

2. Brian has got three houses, six cars, a yacht and a helicopter. He … have a lot of money.

3. … you like a cup of coffee?

4. Do you work? – No, I'm extremely rich so I … work.

5. You have a bad cold. I think you … stay at home this evening.

6. You … be more patient with the child.

7. He … be here tomorrow.

8. Though it is likely to rain, but who knows if the weather … be fine tomorrow.

5. Complete the sentences using the Gerund of the verbs in brackets.

1. (learn
) rules without examples is useless.

2. It has been a pleasure (show
) you the sights of my native town.

3. He was to spend three days at home before (go
) to the farm.

4. The book was brought for (read
) and (discuss

5. In spite of (be busy
) he did all he could help her.

6. Supply Participle I or Participle II for the verb in brackets.

1. If (tell
) what to do they will certainly try to help you.

2. The effect of her words was (terrify

3. After the death of her husband she was (break

4. When (invite
) he always comes on time.

5. Though (start
) rather late they arrived at the appointed place on time.

7. Translate into English using Passive Voice.

1. О нем всегда говорят тепло.

2. Документы не готовы к отправке.

3. Когда мы приехали, номер в гостинице уже был заказан.

4. Он сказал, что никогда там не был, но что ему много рассказывали об этом месте.

5. Когда он вернется, все в его комнате будет сделано.

6. Ей показалось, что над ней смеются.

7. Эту книгу сейчас переводят на русский язык.

8. Что объясняли группе, когда вы присоединились к ним?

9. Этот дом уже построили.

10. Мы еще не знали своих оценок, потому что наши контрольные проверялись, когда мы уходили из института.

8. Make all types of questions to each sentence (general, special, disjunctive, alternative).

1. Legislation places a duty upon social service departments to act to prevent child abuse.

2. Social work has to balance the rights of individual service users with the requirement to challenge unjust policies.

3. There is, therefore, a considerable distance between social work and the majority of the population.


Для того чтобы выполнить работу № 3, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка по рекомендованному учебнику:

1. Пассивный залог (Passive Voice
) видо-временных форм Indefinite
, Continuous
, Perfect

2. Косвенная речь.

3. Простые неличные формы глагола: Participle
, Participle
в функциях определения и обстоятельства. Gerund
– герундий, его формы.

4. Причастие (Participle I
, II

Вариант 1
1. Translate the text, find and write down the equivalents to the words:

спортсмены; травмы спины; нарушения работы органов чувств; слово-гибрид; делать акцент на достижениях; контролировать; выездка; академическая гребля; катание на беговых лыжах по пересечённой местности; pегби колясочников.


The Paralympic Games are a multi-sport event for athletes with physical and sensorial disabilities. This includes athletes with mobility disabilities, amputations, blindness, and cerebral palsy. The Paralympic Games are held every four years, following the Olympic Games, and are governed by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). The Paralympic Games are sometimes confused with the Special Olympics World Games, which are only for people with intellectual disabilities, but Special Olympics participants may still take part in the Paralympic games. Although the name was originally coined as a portmanteau combining "paraplegic" (due to its origins as games for people with spinal injuries) and "Olympic", the inclusion of other disability groups meant that this was no longer considered appropriate. The present formal explanation for the name is derived from the Greek preposition pará ("beside" or "alongside") and thus refers to a competition held in parallel with the Olympic Games. The Paralympic Games are elite sport events for athletes from different disability groups. They are designed to emphasize the participants' athletic achievements, not their disability.

The Paralympic Games take place in the same year as the Olympic Games. However, it is only since 1988 that the Games have been held in the same city, using the same venues. In 2001 the IOC and IPC signed an agreement which guaranteed that Host Cities would be contracted to manage both Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Today, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is the global governing body of the Paralympic Movement; it organises the Summer and Winter Paralympic Games; and also serves as the International Federation for 12 sports, for which it supervises and coordinates the World Championships and other competitions.

Summer Paralympic Games programme includes archery, athletics (track and field), cycling, horse-riding, football, judo, powerlifting, rowing, sailing, shooting, swimming, table tennis, volleyball (sitting), wheelchair basketball, wheelchair fencing, wheelchair rugby, wheelchair tennis. The following sports are on the current Winter Paralympic Games programme: ice hockey, biathlon, cross-country skiing, wheelchair curling.

2. Answer the questions to the text in exercise 1.

1. What kinds of people participate in the Paralympic Games?

2. How often do the Paralympic Games take place?

3. What is the origin of the term "paralympic"?

4. Where are the Paralympic Games usually held?

5. What specific sports are included into the current Paralympic Games programme?

3. Fill in the gaps with the given words and translate the sentences into Russian: participants; supervises; fencing; ice hockey; track and field; athletes.

1. … is the sport of fighting with a long thin sword.

2. … refers to such sports as running and jumping.

3. Discussions between … may be analysed to reveal the nature of their failure.

4. The Paralympic Games are a multi-sport event for disabled … .

5. The International Federation … the World Championships and other competitions.

6. … is a sport played on ice, in which players try to hit a hard flat round object into the other team's goal with special sticks.

4. Use the correct verb form (Past Simple, Present Perfect).

1. They (to build
) the nursing home years ago.

2. She (to
) a medical social worker since 1990.

3. We (to
) the project yet.

4. The state pension age (to change
) last year.

5. My car (to break down
). I won't be able to meet you at the airport.

6. He (to
) a new car two weeks ago.

7. Last month we (to
) this campaign.

8. He and Mr. Jones (to
) already together for 15 years.

9. I (not to see
) them since December.

10. We (to receive
) a large order yesterday.

5. Change the sentences into Passive.

1. My partner told me the news yesterday.

2. Our company makes good profits every year.

3. The secretary will bring him the mail.

4. The tourists are filling in the forms.

5. They were building a new supermarket last August.

6. We have invited our counterpart to the restaurant.

6. Meet a real social care worker Victoria Clottey, Young Person's Advisor and read what she says.

I'm responsible for young people who are leaving care, helping them set up home and do things like budgeting properly. I can think back to when I was a teenager, struggling with exams, being on benefits. I've had that experience so I can relate to what they're going through. When young people realise this, it makes them more willing to listen. You definitely bring your life experiences with you into this job. If we have a dilemma, we can talk about it as a team. There are 8 of us and we get input from each other on how best to deal with a situation. You can be involved with a young person for 3 years or more. You build up relationships and see the return in terms of them staying on track. Some keep in touch, but the real job satisfaction comes when you can let go, when they don't need my support any more.

7. Retell the text (ex. 6) within 4–5 sentences using reported speech.
8. Make all types of questions to the text (ex. 6).
9. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Ему нужно проконсультироваться с психологом.

2. Он нанял новую медсестру.

3. Я хочу отдать эту сумму детскому дому.

4. Эта проблема привлекает все больше и больше внимания.

5. В Паралимпийских играх принимают участие спортсмены с самыми разнообразными нарушениями здоровья.

6. Социальная работа – это профессиональная деятельность специально подготовленных кадров, обеспечивающая социальную защиту, социальное обслуживание и социальную помощь нуждающимся категориям населения.

7. Конные соревнования открыты для инвалидов-паралитиков, слепых, граждан с нарушениями зрения, умственной отсталостью.

8. Социальная работа распространяется на различные области.

9. Этому человеку необходим социальный уход.

10. На Паралимпийских Играх спортсмены группируются согласно отдельной классификации.

Вариант 2
1. Translate the text, find and write down the equivalents to the words:

центр ухода за больными; "дом успокоения"; жители; нарушения; услуги; помощник; постоянный; бенефициант; обеспечивать уход; лечение ран; квалифицированный.


A nursing home, skilled nursing facility (SNF), or skilled nursing unit (SNU), also known as a rest home, is a type of care of residents: it is a place of residence for people who require constant nursing care and have significant deficiencies with activities of daily living. Nursing homes are subject to federal regulations and also strict state regulations. Nursing home residents have physical or cognitive impairments and require 24-hour care. Residents include the elderly and younger adults with physical disabilities. Adults 18 or older can stay in a skilled nursing facility to receive physical, occupational, and other rehabilitative therapies following an accident or illness.

Services provided in nursing homes include services of nurses, nursing aids and assistants; physical, occupational and speech therapists; social workers and recreational assistants; and room and board. Most care in nursing facilities is provided by certified nursing assistants, not by skilled personnel. Medicare covers nursing home services for beneficiaries who require skilled nursing care or rehabilitation services following a hospitalization of at least three consecutive days. The program does not cover nursing care if only custodial care is needed – for example, when a person needs assistance with bathing, walking, or transferring from a bed to a chair. To be eligible for Medicare-covered skilled nursing facility (SNF) care, a physician must certify that the beneficiary needs, daily skilled nursing care or other skilled rehabilitation services that are related to the hospitalization, and that these services, as a practical matter, can be provided only on an inpatient basis. For example, a beneficiary released from the hospital after a stroke and in need of physical therapy, or a beneficiary in need of skilled nursing care for wound treatment following a surgical procedure, might be eligible for Medicare-covered SNF care.

Nursing homes are beginning to change the way they are managed and organized to create a more resident-centered environment, so they are more "home-like" and less "hospital-like". In these homes, nursing home units are replaced with a small set of rooms surrounding a common kitchen and living room. The staff giving care is assigned to one of these "households". Residents have far more choices about when they awake, when they eat and what they want to do during the day. They also have access to more companionship such as pets.

2. Answer the questions to the text in exercise 1.

1. What is a nursing home?

2. What kind of people are typical residents of nursing homes?

3. What services are provided by a nursing home?

4. When does Medicare cover SNF care?

5. What is changing in modern nursing homes?

3. Put the necessary word in the sentence and translate it into Russian: deficiency; assistants; hospice; brunt; common; discharge.

1. Bad dreams are fairly … among children.

2. Most care in nursing facilities is provided by certified nursing … .

3. The car took the full … of the explosion.

4. Some elderly people suffer from iron … in their diet.

5. … is a special hospital for people who are dying.

6. Nurses visit the mother and baby for two weeks after their … from the hospital.

4. Use the correct verb form (Past Simple, Present Perfect).

1. Since then I (to change
) my job several times.

2. "Oh, no! You (to fail
) to sign the contract!" he cried.

3. Mr. Black suddenly (to find
) that there was a note attached to the letter.

4. I (not to consider
) that point yet.

5. Mary isn't at home. She (to go
) to work.

6. Last year they (to increase
) their production greatly.

7. They (to be
) in social work for 5 years already.

8. We (to sign
) a few contracts last month.

9. He can't find a job. He (to be
) unemployed for half a year.

10. …you (to see
) Mr. White since he returned from his business trip?

5. Change the sentences into Passive.

1. We sent the inquiry to government authorities two weeks ago.

2. Our specialists always carry out laboratory tests.

3. I will prepare all the documents tomorrow afternoon.

4. The surgeons are operating on the patient.

5. At that moment their representatives were examining the new tool.

6. They have already paid him for that work.

6. Meet a real social care worker Debbie Pollard, Day Care Services Manager and read what she says.

I used to be in the fashion trade but became interested in working in social care when I spent time supporting classes for people with learning at a local college. My first actual job in social care was as a day centre officer, from which I moved on to become a manager after acquiring specific qualifications. There's been a shift in thinking in day care services from "This is what we can provide" to "What does each user need". That has changed the way we do things, as has new technology.

New forms of communication are important for many of our users who are non-verbal. What hasn't changed is that this is a job where you believe in people and are rarely disappointed.

7. Retell the text (ex. 6) within 4–5 sentences using reported speech.
8. Make all types of questions to the text (ex. 6).
9. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Суть социальной работы в том, чтобы интегрировать усилия различных специалистов из разных областей для решения возникающих перед человеком проблем.

2. Социальная работа – это деятельность по изменению общества в сторону его самосовершенствования, в сторону поддержки самых слабых членов общества.

3. Социальный работник должен быть посредником между человеком, нуждающимся в помощи, и организациями, которые могут эту помощь оказать.

4. Патронатному воспитателю выплачивается определенное вознаграждение.

5. Социальный работник должен помочь человеку встать на ноги, указать направление, научить его жить и самостоятельно решать свои проблемы.

6. Нам нужно нанять нового служащего.

7. Специалист по социальной работе проводит исследовательско-аналитическую работу по проблемам социального положения населения в курируемом районе.

8. Этот проект имеет много преимуществ.

9. В нашей стране очень мало вузов, имеющих собственную медицинскую базу.

10. Этот больной нуждается в скорейшей госпитализации.

Вариант 3
1. Translate the text, find and write down the equivalents to the words:

патронат; компенсирование; льготы; облегчить; воссоединение; округ; клеймо; центры временной опеки; подвергать сомнению.


Foster care is a system by which a certified, stand-in parent (or parents) cares for minor children or young peoples who have been removed from their birth parents or other custodial adults by state authority. Responsibility for the young person is assumed by the relevant governmental authority. Requirements to be a foster parent vary by jurisdiction, as foster families may receive monetary reimbursement and other benefits. Foster care is intended to be a temporary living situation for children and young people. The goal of foster care is to provide support and care for the young person in order that either reunification with parent(s) or other family members or another suitable living arrangement can be facilitated. This may include an adoptive home, guardianship, or placement with a relative. At times, the bond that develops during foster care will lead to the foster parents adopting the child. In some instances, children may be placed in a long-term foster placement. For older adolescents, a foster care program may offer education and resources to prepare for a transition to independent living. That is not to say that older adolescents would not benefit from family placement, however, it is more difficult to recruit foster and adoptive parents for teens due to the stigma that is often attached to adolescents in foster care.

In the United States, foster home licensing requirements vary from state to state but are generally overseen by each state's Department of Social Services or Human Services. In some states, counties have this responsibility. Each state's services are monitored by the federal Department of Health and Human Services. Children found to be unable to function in a foster home may be placed in Residential Treatment Centres (RTCs) or other such group homes. In theory, the focus of treatment in such facilities is to prepare the child for a return to a foster home, to an adoptive home, or to the birth parents when applicable. But two major reviews of the scholarly literature have questioned these facilities' effectiveness.

2. Answer the questions to the text in exercise 1.

1. What does foster care imply?

2. Who defines the requirements to be a foster parent?

3. What are the aims of foster care?

4. What organisation controls foster home licensing requirements in the USA?

5. Where can children found to be unable to function in a foster home be placed?

3. Put the necessary word in the sentence and translate it into Russian: adoptive parents; to oversee; requirements; adolescent; adopted; guardianship.

1. The refugees' main … are food and shelter.

2. The position of being legally responsible for someone else's child is called … .

3. Sam was very grateful to his … .

4. Sally was … when she was four.

5. A team leader was appointed … the project.

6. … is a young person, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, who is developing into an adult.

4. Use the correct verb form (Past Simple, Present Perfect).

1. …you ever (to cooperate
) with African companies?

2. So far we (to be able
) to find an appropriate applicant for the post.

3. They (to become
) unemployed some years ago.

4. "I (to bring
) the letter that you asked about, sir", said the secretary.

5. She (to show
) the representatives of that company into the Director's study.

6. They (to give
) us the full specification of the product.

7. I (to arrive
) back on Monday afternoon.

8. Don't worry! We already (to arrange
) an appointment for tomorrow morning.

9. I (not to be
) on holidays for the last two years.

10. She (to start
) her business a few years ago.

5. Change the sentences into Passive.

1. I hired a new employee last month.

2. We always provide social services on time.

3. She will give the money back to you.

4. At last we are signing the contract!

5. They were making preparations for the whole week.

6. They've opened a new refugee camp recently.

6. Meet a real social care worker Jill Whitfield, Residential Care Assistant, and read what she says.

I used to work in a factory but found it mind-numbing: every day the same. A friend of mine was working in a residential home and suggested me joining the organisation. I moved from that first job in a factory to here 6 years ago and have never regretted coming into this type of work. It can be demanding. The residents are old people with dementia and other mental illness, so you have to be alert, but there's a good atmosphere in the home. I'm the key worker with two residents, helping them through each day. There's plenty of banter, especially in the mornings. The important thing is to ensure residents have as much dignity as possible. I came into social care work with no special qualifications, having learnt about the job vacancies through family contacts and had to have a range of training connected with various aspects of social work.

7. Retell the text (ex. 6) within 4–5 sentences using reported speech.
8. Make all types of questions to the text (ex. 6).
9. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Патронат – одна из форм устройства детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей.

2. Критики системы патроната отмечают временный характер такой формы устройства детей.

3. Такие конфликты нередко носят видимость борьбы за интересы ребёнка и заканчиваются "изъятием" ребёнка из семьи патронатного воспитателя.

4. Противники патроната утверждают, что патронат не порождает достаточной ответственности патронатных воспитателей за судьбу ребёнка

5. Сотрудники воспитательных учреждений, как правило, не склонны помогать патронатным воспитателям.

6. Наши клиенты – престарелые люди с различными заболеваниями.

7. Сторонники патроната считают, что патронат является активной формой общественного участия в судьбе одинокого ребёнка.

8. Он принимает участие в управлении.

9. Они ищут специалиста, подходящего для этой должности.

10. Я несу ответственность за этого ребёнка.

Вопросы к зачету

Монологическое высказывание по теме:

1. I
(рассказ о членах семьи, их возрасте и роде занятий).

2. My
(рассказ о рабочем дне).

3. My
(рассказ о выходном дне).

4. My
(рассказ об устройстве квартиры с описанием мебели и бытовых приборов, в ней находящихся).

5. Hobbies
(рассказ о видах увлечений и способах проведения досуга в целом).

6. Travelling
(характеристика видов транспортных средств, рассказ о личных предпочтениях, описание наиболее запомнившегося путешествия).

7. Applying
(рассказ о том, какая информация предоставляется в резюме и заявлениях для приёма на работу, какие вопросы могут обсуждаться на собеседованиях с потенциальным работодателем).

8. My
(рассказ о трудовых обязанностях, деятельности своей организации, специфике её работы, а также о желаемом месте работы).

9. Social
(рассказ о социальной работе как сфере профессиональной деятельности, её специфике, целях и задачах).

10. Sick
(рассказ о категориях граждан с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, о мерах, направленных на оказание им психологической, физической и материальной помощи).

Вопросы к экзамену

Монологическое высказывание по теме:

1. Medical
(рассказ о социальной защите в системе здравоохранения, функциях социальных работников в данной сфере).

2. My
(рассказ о своих трудовых обязанностях, деятельности своей организации, специфике её работы, а также о желаемом месте работы).

3. Modern
(рассказ о специфике проблем современной семьи, их причинах, последствиях конфликтов между родственниками, проблеме отцов и детей).

4. The
(рассказ об обязанностях и специфике трудовой деятельности социальных работников).

5. Family
(рассказ о проблеме насилия в современных семьях, о причинах, последствиях и возможных путях решения семейных конфликтов).

6. Foster
(рассказ о сущности патронажной системы, её плюсах и минусах).

7. Paralympic
(рассказ о специфике проведения Паралимпийских игр).

8. Nursing
(рассказ о классификации, специфике и функциях приютов и центров социальной защиты).

2. Чтение и перевод текста (со словарём).

Список использованной литературы

1. Бугрова Л. В. Social Matters: учеб. пособие / Л. В. Бугрова, Я. А. Глухих. – Мурманск : Изд-во МГТУ, 2005. – 48 с.

2. Бугрова, Л. В. Английский язык. Программа, методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов ФЗСЭО / Л. В. Бугрова [и др.]. – Мурманск : Изд-во МГТУ, 2005. – 62 с.

3. Дроздова, Т. Ю. Everyday English / Т. Ю. Дроздова. – СПб. : Химера, 2002. – 646 c.

4. Короткова, Л. Г. The Goal of Social Service: методические указания / Л. Г. Короткова. – Мурманск : Изд-во МГТУ, 2003. – 20 с.

5. Prodromou, L. Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate / L. Prodromou. – Harlow : Longman, 2004. – 320 p.

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